Alan Wake 2 Thermos Stock to Be Replenished in 2024

Alan Wake 2 Thermos Stock 2024

In a matter of seconds, the Alan Wake 2 “Oh Deer Diner Thermos” sold out on the iam8bit shop, prompting fans to rush to social media sites with anger and even bugging Remedy employees over the whole situation. Though many are in their right to be disappointed by the lack of stock, Remedy’s Communications Director did address the situation while confirming that more supply is on its way. 

Taking to Reddit, Remedy’s Communications Director, Thomas Puhah has confirmed that more Alan Wake 2 Thermos are on the way, and that  

Not sure why the anger outside of not getting one, that I can understand. I’m dealing with that all the time.

People were wondering why the thermos sold out so fast. My answer was that usually (I’m theorizing) bots are used, hence things sell out so fast, since I don think most people realize that tends to happen at concert ticket buying, Supreme, etc. I dont run the iam8bit backend, but I know they have pretty good protection against bots.

If we didn’t care about fans, we wouldn’t have done the thermos in the first place. Neither us or Airam had any real idea of how many could be sold. Plenty more are on their way in 2024 so no need to go for reseller prices.

Puha goes on to further explain that the means of distribution was handed off to iam8bit to improve over the previous one-man operation.

To me, its normal that high demand stuff is bought by bots. I dont like it, but I see it all the time and its frustrating to lose out when you do things manually.

I dont run the iam8bit store, not my place to tell them how they run it.

Proper handling to me was giving the remaining stock to iam8bit, professionals at this, unlike my one man operation, so I thought that was at least a good move. Compared to only being able to buy a thermos from VPD in Finland by emailing them which was the case a while ago. Surely we agree that we improved on that.

Puha further expressed in the thread that he’s not happy that users were scalping the Thermos and reselling them at outrageous prices, recommending that those wanting one to wait until the stock has been replenished, which should be coming next year. 

I myself tried to buy one (and failed), though I’m with Puha here. Scalpers will always be a major problem, and it’s unfortunate that the thermos may have sold out due to them and bots. The fanbase is in their right to be angry over it, but beyond that, such as attacking members of the studio, that is never okay to do. 

There’s solace in knowing now that they do plan on restocking them, so fingers crossed the next time something is done to help combat scalpers. 

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James Lara

A gamer at heart, James has been working for MP1st for the last decade to do exactly what he loves, writing about video games and having fun doing it. Growing up in the 90's gaming has been in his DNA since the days of NES. One day he hopes to develop his own game.

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