Guilty Gear Wiki

RE: Help[]

Hello. Welcome to the GG Wiki! Since I am familiar with you for years now you are granted administrator rights. Thanks for helping out!

Danseru-kun (talk) 16:05, June 16, 2017 (UTC)

RE: Sin Kiske[]

I wasn't able to check right away since I was in work. Thanks for the clean-up. As for reverting it to the last version, in the "edit" tab, the History of the page can be viewed. There is an option to "undo" the recent edits. I've restored the template for Sin's page.

Danseru-kun (talk) 13:41, June 25, 2017 (UTC)

Guilty Gear X Chain Chronicle Collaboration[]

Hiya! Kodachi of the Kodachi/Zero twin admins of the Chain Chronicle Wiki speaking!

Recently the Japanese version of Chain Chronicle has started a collaboration with Guilty Gear in celebration of Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2. The following characters have been selected to show up in the game: Baiken, Dizzy, Elphelt Valentine, Jack-O' Valentine, Jam Kuradoberi, Ky Kiske, Sin Kiske, and Sol Badguy.

We currently have the characters listed in the main page as of writing, but in case they aren't anymore, they can be found here too.

I just wanted to let you guys know that! And please feel free to use the images on their pages if you'd like!
- Kodachi★Zero (talkcontribs) 10:26, June 26, 2017 (UTC)

On the Venom Article[]

Yo! I got your message and I was mistaken about my source, as you pointed out. The name of Venom's cue stick wasn't in the Codex, but in one of his lose quotes in GGX/GGXX: LOSE 2: Shafuto hitotsu oyoba na katta ka... [Shaft-head #1 couldn't take it...]

For confirmation, here is the link: [1]

As for the Night of Knives Drama CD translations that revealed Venom using Ki along with his magic billiards, here is another link:[2] To specify, Venom explained his usage of Ki in his final battle with Gottfried in Volume 3 just before he killed the latter with his Instant Kill.

Hope that helps. ^_^ Ryu Heishin (talk) 12:27, June 29, 2017 (UTC)Ryu Heishin


I appreciate your assistance, but the current translation of Night of Knives isn't that good.  I've run it by a couple of people and as it stands, it isn't done properly at all.  I do have the rips in case anyone's interested in fully translating it (and I might have someone interested in working on a synopsis).  The same goes for the stick information as that source comes from the same translator.  

And again, once I find some solid sources, I'll be happy to adjust the info as needed.

A Troll in the Bridget section[]

We have a vandal who keeps rewriting Bridget's history by claiming he is a girl and that he was a victim of domestic abuse. Here's the vandal's IP:[3]

Ryu Heishin (talk) 21:47, July 30, 2017 (UTC)Ryu Heishin

Main page footer[]

First of all hello.

You may not know, but the official Gaming Footers were recently retired by Fandom staff. As such, the current footers are outdated and not going to be updated by Staff anymore. Me and a few other users are looking for alternatives to replace them, and I'm currently tending to the Fighting Games Footer. Would it be possible for you to replace the current footer on the main page with this one? Welcome to your doom! 18:45, April 26, 2019 (UTC)



I got it changed out, but the picture doesn't seem to be working at the moment. Everything else appears to be functioning correctly, though!

Is there a Discord server for the Wikia? How are edits coordinated?[]

Alternatively, is this the best way to reach you? Do you have a Twitter by chance?

Jotamide (talk) 19:29, May 4, 2019 (UTC)


If there's enough interest, I can definitely set up a Discord server for the wiki!

As for me, I can be found @forthebananna on Twitter and MamaNana#4832 on Discord

Here to Help[]

Hello, I'm The Embraced One or TEO, and I'm the Fandom Wiki Manager for the Guilty Gear Wiki as well as an admin on Sekiro and the Hollow Knight Wikis in my free time. I'm here to act as a liaison between you and Fandom Staff and help you and your community. If you ever have any questions or issues related to the Wiki, its features (editing, templates, layouts, etc.), or anything else, feel free to reach out to me on and I will be happy to help out! The Embraced One (talk) 14:05, June 8, 2019 (UTC)The Embraced One


Hi! :) Sorry to bother you, but I have two things to say if you don't mind.

First, I think the wiki's body should be changed to a lighter grey because the contrast between the background and the text is, well, not easy on the eyes. (Also wouldn't it be cool to put a background with the STRIVE artwork of Sol and Ky...? heh).

And second, I know you've got no reason to trust me, but I know a thing or two about css and templates and cleaning up (see the Star Ocean Wiki), and I think I could update the wiki's css for new navboxes and tables. I'd need admin status for that... so no pressure on it, but well I thought I'd offer my services. :) -- ShiroxCloud(talk) 04:33, February 22, 2020 (UTC)

Here's a background (main body transparency should probably be at 0) and a header graphic (the left side looks awful but it can't actually be seen). -- ShiroxCloud(talk) 22:27, March 1, 2020 (UTC)


oh awesome! I'll take a look at it this weekend to see how it'll mesh and such.


Another thing: could you please put this in MediaWiki:ImportJS? Specially the "Tooltips.js" one so that the Template:Foot can work. You can see each of them does in the dev wiki:


-- ShiroxCloud(talk) 19:35, March 31, 2020 (UTC)

Just took care of it! glad it's working finally.

JustAToucan (talk) 21:35, March 31, 2020 (UTC)

Thanks! -- ShiroxCloud(talk) 00:18, April 1, 2020 (UTC)

Asian naming[]

Hi! Regardless of whether the policy is gonna be "surname + given name" or "given name + surname" (I prefer the former, for sure), I suggest that you keep it consistent across the wiki. If Anji's will be "Anji Mito" and so will Jam's, then Haehyun should be "Haehyun Kum" (which I recall was renamed by you) and Unchou's should "Unchou Hirofumi", etc. Just saying. Please, tell me so that I can do the appropiate changes on the relevant templates. -- ShiroxCloud(talk) 19:07, May 31, 2020 (UTC)

It's more I'm keeping it as it's known throughout the series. I know it comes off as inconsistent but I'd rather have it as what people are familiar with, provided the proper names are used in the article itself.  JustAToucan (talk) 19:51, May 31, 2020 (UTC)

That's what redirects are for? -- ShiroxCloud(talk) 20:21, May 31, 2020 (UTC)

Yep! just in case and such.JustAToucan (talk) 20:35, May 31, 2020 (UTC)

New Wiki Manager[]

Hello, I'm Tephra, the new Fandom Wiki Manager for the Guilty Gear Wiki to replace Thatawesomecat.

I hope you don't mind, but I have some suggestions concerning improving the wiki.

Firstly, regarding the main page, Fandom advises that wikis no longer use slider type galleries. They look cool, but are considered unhelpful, distracting in a bad way, and aren't actually used by wiki readers to navigate the wiki - the Contents section below is much better at this.

Secondly, to improve search engine optimization, it is recommended that the description at the top of the page be lengthened to give a brief explanation of the purpose of the wiki and what the series it covers is about (the description in the Mobile Main Page is actually pretty good and could be copied over).

Finally, would you like to have Discussions enabled on this wiki?
◄► Tephra ◄► 20:43, August 4, 2020 (UTC)

I see you removed the slider gallery, but you didn't lengthen the description at all. Having a good description helps search engines understand what the point of the wiki is when directing people where to go. Also, you have a start to the Mobile Main Page, but there is no content. The MMP should have some entries in Featured Categories at least, just whatever categories are the most important to what wiki readers might be looking for will do.
And what is your thought on enabling Discussions?
◄► Tephra ◄► 04:46, 31 August 2020 (UTC)

Wiki Representative[]

Hi, I'm the new Wiki Representative for the Guilty Gear Wiki, taking over from Tephra, and wanted to introduce myself. My home wiki is Elder Scrolls, where I've been a staff member since 2015. I've been working as a Wiki Rep since the program was created in 2019. Please let me know if you ever need me to serve as a liaison to Fandom or to help you with a technical problem on your wiki. Thanks! :) —Atvelonis (talk) 07:41, 25 February 2021 (UTC)

What do you mean, as in a direct reference to one of the games? I'm not quite understanding the question. JustAToucan (talk) 00:49, 2 September 2021 (UTC)

Reference in Rays[]

Is there a specific reference to the quote Sol speaks when he uses Tyrant Rave in Tales of the Rays? "ゴタクはいらねぇ!タイランレイブ!!" (here's the video.)

NDS123 (talk) 00:33, 2 September 2021 (UTC)

I mean does he speak that quote (the first part anyway) in any of the games in general?

NDS123 (talk) 07:52, 2 September 2021 (UTC)

I looked up the quote and not that I've seen. it might just be something they added in just for the game. JustAToucan (talk) 14:55, 2 September 2021 (UTC)

Testament's page.[]

Sonicfan XV is vandalizing Testament's article page by re-editing his profile as "formerly male" simply based on his new appearance.

We got it covered. thanks for the heads up! JustAToucan (talk) 02:24, 20 March 2022 (UTC)

Thank you. I also recommend that we block users from editing Testament's character article for the time being until the DLC release date (March 31) until the gender issues are cleared up. Particularly because while the English GGStrive site is using "They/them", The Japanese website's bio is still using masculine pronouns to describe Testament. So, it's currently unclear if Testament is male or non-binary.[4] User:Nitro Gig

Good call. it'll be admin-only for the time being.JustAToucan (talk) 04:42, 20 March 2022 (UTC)

Baiken's Comment Page[]

Say Toucan, now that you're actually around, could you take a look at the comment section for Baiken's page. There's some comments on there that I've reported a while ago, but Fandom never got quite around to it. Shreeder4092 (talk) 04:09, 20 March 2022 (UTC)Shreeder4092

Went ahead and deleted the reported comments since it doesn't let me re-report them. Hopefully that'll curb some of the more wtf comments JustAToucan (talk) 04:28, 20 March 2022 (UTC)

Main page[]

Hey so I noticed the main page is missing Jack’o and Testament on the roster section, could you update that? Nighomii (talk) 05:24, 20 March 2022 (UTC)

Comments Sections[]

Greetings all!

With some major apologies to my co-admin, I saw the discussions taking place on Testament's page. Pronouns and other things were changed to reflect the character's updates. They are in line with the current canon, whether people agree with it or not.

This isn't some "woke" decision or any kind of bias. Testament is canonically agender, which falls under the non-binary category.

Unfortunately, this caused a lot of discourse as many people saw this as some kind of political statement or forcing beliefs on others.

This might not be what you want to hear, but we live in a diverse world. And some video games want to show that off. It might be a fantasy, but people from all walks of life should be represented in that fantasy. And that includes LGBTQ+ individuals.

With that said, I am temporarily disabling comments for Testament's page. We're going to let ourselves cool down for about a month or so. And once it comes back we can have civil discussions about our favorite characters.

Thank you folks for listening.

-NanaJustAToucan (talk) 20:03, 6 April 2022 (UTC)

Database Dump[]

I was trying to pull down the database dump for Guilty Gear, but it hasn't been updated in over five years, and unable to download it because of that. Who would I talk to about that? Or should I try and contact FANDOM help desk to have them generate it if that's even possible?

AkodoGarou (talk) 19:57, 6 April 2022 (UTC)

It's probably best to contact the help desk because even I don't think I have proper access to it. If they direct you back to me I'll see what I can do to help.JustAToucan (talk) 20:03, 6 April 2022 (UTC)

Concern Over Edit Wars[]

Hey! I'm a fellow bureaucrat over on the Disco Elysium wiki; I know very little about Guilty Gear, but I've edited Bridget's page so that it doesn't misgender her (based on new information available in Strive, can be seen here and here) and am hoping to make sure you're aware of the situation so that you can handle anything that comes of it. I've noticed in the edit history that there is already plenty of edit warring going on changing her gender back and forth from male to female multiple times, and I expect this to continue now that I've changed her pronouns on the page (judging by the comments left before I made the change, it seems like people will have a problem with it). Just a heads up!

Foxxick (talk) 19:18, 8 August 2022 (UTC)

Community Manager Follow Up[]

Hi JustAToucan, this is Lucas, one of Fandom's Community Managers chiming in on this issue.

As edit warring and hate speech were a concern, I raised protections on Bridget's page to Admin Editing only. I also suspended commenting on the Guilty Gear wiki as hate speech was beginning to appear.

Please let me know when you feel discussion surrounding Bridget has simmered down, and I'd be happy to restore comments and lower protections on that character's page again. Alternatively, if you feel it best that the page remain admin only indefinitely, that's fine with me too. So long as the page is updated with current information, I'm happy with whatever you're most comfortable with.

Thanks, and looking forward to hearing your perspective on this situation.

Lder1995 (talk) 22:16, 8 August 2022 (UTC)

Bridget situation[]

As it turns out, Bridget is not confirmed trans at all. It's only his bad non-flawless run ending that has him decide to give in and accept being called a girl by people. His true ending in Arcade mode instead has him encouraged to be "his true self", with no mention of it making him a girl. Of course due to earlier misunderstanding, and mistranslated profile in the game(Japanese one calls Bridget a boy...) a lot of people consider Bridget trans now anyway no matter how incorrect that is(Especially considering his backstory... it makes for a rather grim change given it.), so perhaps to avoid conflicts his page should be temporarily changed to use "they", and his gender back to male until there's any official information. Xardasx2 (talk) 09:43, 11 August 2022 (UTC)


Please refer to my response to the post below for my thoughts on the matter.JustAToucan (talk) 16:32, 11 August 2022 (UTC)

Error on Bridget's page[]

Hi! In the flawless/true ending for Bridget, it's actually confirmed he's resisting his forced gender transition and is not in fact a trans female like in the bad ending. Someone appears to have jumped the gun and locked down his page, so I would appreciate it if you could correct the error under 'gender' where it says 'female' and correct it back to 'male'. Thank you! Femboy lives matter!


There is no error here. The whole "bad/flawless" ending deal is just something being thrown around as bad faith arguments in order to thinly veil people's transphobia. While I do understand why some feel invalidated by Bridget's identity, I am sure that was not the intent of the developers.

That said, there is enough evidence to confirm Bridget is a trans female. So the current edits stay. JustAToucan (talk) 16:30, 11 August 2022 (UTC)


With respect, do you not see the irony saying that other people are just transphobic and arguing in bad faith, while also taking a single arcade ending and declaring it canon despite other endings that don't arrive at that same conclusion, the character's history that largely stands against it, the fact that arcade endings are frequently non-canon in the series as a whole, and a lack of official material supporting the declaration in spite of these issues?

I respect that you wish to protect and validate transgendered individuals, and even the character; there's nothing wrong with being transgender and that's very clear. That said, picking a pet ending -- and that's not say that there aren't other implications that ending that make it rather problematic when associating with trans identity -- and just choosing that as canon and having it standalone on the page is clearly not good faith.

I want to be clear; I know it must be tough to preside over a... wiki, of all things, in a situation like this, but while I don't expect you to necessarily heed this faceless internet voice, I think it behooves the wiki and your station to at least try and represent the endings and their ambiguity evenly. Can we not discuss including both endings on the page and explicitly stating that one has Bridget claim her trans identity while the other is more ambiguous?

Please consider this reply as a well-intentioned effort to open a dialogue. SilhouetteJW (talk) 13:21, 12 August 2022 (UTC)

I'm still legitimately baffled as to why people keep insisting on bad endings when there was no mention of them before. Unlike XX and AC, Strive's endings are more like puzzle pieces that challenge the player to unlock more. It's not the greatest way to tell a story, but that's how Bridget's identity is confirmed. And since ArcSys is really iffy about spoilers in Japan, they're not going to outright say anything.

I know it won't end the discussion but I will be ending my side here. Bridget is trans. JustAToucan (talk) 02:26, 28 August 2022 (UTC)

Wiki Representative introduction[]

Hello JustAToucan, I'm TimeShade. I've recently been assigned to this community as the new Wiki Representative. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

x TimeShade (talk) 16:07, 19 September 2022 (UTC)

Guilty Gear Duplicate Wiki[]

Hello JustAToucan. I wanted to bring an important issue I just came across. I found a Miraheze Wiki about Guilty Gear that is pretty much a duplicate and complete import of the Fandom Wiki with all its pages; all the articles on the wiki are direct import of the Fandom Wiki version (not just copy-paste). Just wanted to bring you this if you were aware of that, (or if some people of the wikis could have given the "go-ahead" for such a move). The user who founded the wiki and imported the Fandom articles is Mikuchi, and the wiki itself was created around August 2022.


Baffou (talk) 10:43, 20 December 2022 (UTC)


I'm SeichanGrey! I wanted ask if you are willing to consider allowing mem to edit every single file on this wiki and add [Category:Images] to all files. Would that be ok with you? SeichanGrey (talk) 05:02, 31 December 2022 (UTC)


Hey there! I’m reaching out to introduce the Admin+ program (if you haven’t heard about it already!) & let you know I’m here if you have any questions about it. Take a look at the details here & feel free to send over any questions you have. pikushi ✧.* 14:01, 10 July 2023 (UTC)

Stepping down as Admin[]

Hello everyone!

As of today, I'm stepping down as an Admin for the GG Wiki. I've been going through some changes in my life (mostly positive I swear!) and I feel that I'm not paying as much attention to the site as I should. ShiroxCloud will still be your admin, so please show them your support and continue making this wiki shine!

That said, I'll still be around helping edit when I can

Thank you so much for all your help!

JustAToucan (talk) 23:01, 10 October 2023 (UTC)
