Guilty Gear Wiki

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About Me[]

I am Danseru-kun, an inactive administrator of the Guilty Gear Wiki. I CAN NO LONGER BE AN ADMIN SO SOMEONE NEEDS TO REPLACE ME.

I have been a solid fan of Guilty Gear years. I actually have no reputation among the fans except that I'm an avid shipper of a couple that I won't mention here, despite the fact that I have done more things than an average fangirl would do; write fanfiction, record cover versions of GG songs, draw fanart, write a plot analysis, and finally, administer a wiki. But my time is over so I NEED A REPLACEMENT. 

Favorite Pages[]

Pages That I Wrote[]

I wrote these following pages so if anybody sees an error you can talk to me or you can correct it yourself. I also wrote som characters' personalities but I'll list them some other time.
