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Roosevelt was the dog of Cooper Howard in the Fallout TV series.


The Howards' family dog, Roosevelt, is a blue merle border collie, sharing that breed's high intelligence. He was the beloved companion of Cooper Howard, who co-starred with him in A Man and His Dog. The movie was one of Coop's favorites,[1][2] and was part of a lifelong bond between the two.[3]

Roosevelt was also a companion to Cooper's daughter, Janey Howard, who would read books to him (like Little House on the Prairie). He inadvertently was also one of the reasons that Cooper first became skeptical of the Vault-Tec Corporation's motives: during one afternoon, Barb let it slip that dogs would not be allowed to enter the vaults, claiming they require meat to survive and could introduce unwanted inefficiencies into the system. Cooper protested the new rule, considering it an unwanted infringement of the freedom he fought for in Alaska.[4]

While Barb agreed it was far from ideal, she defended her position that considering the gravity of the looming nuclear war, there was no other option: There would be no dogs in the Vaults, as that was, in her view, the only thing that could save her family.[5] While Coop ultimately relented, the doubts inside only grew stronger, and eventually led to Cooper deciding to investigate Miss Williams' claims, digging through the trash with Roosevelt by his side to recover the listening device he was given and initially threw away.[6]

Even 219 years later, long after Roosevelt had died, the ghoulified Cooper still thinks fondly of him, to the point that after gaining CX404 (nicknamed "Dogmeat") as a companion, he remarked that no dog could ever replace Roosevelt in his heart.


Roosevelt appears only in the Fallout TV series episodes "The Trap" and "The Radio".

Behind the scenes[]



  1. ↑ Party guest: "Yeah, A Man and His Dog... that movie's great."
    Cooper Howard: "Mm. Yeah. I love that one, too. It was my real dog."
    ("The Trap")
  2. ↑ Cooper Howard: "Roosevelt, I'm sorry. You can't come, buddy. I'm heading into enemy territory. You be a good dog. Go to bed."
    ("The Trap")
  3. ↑ Fallout TV series, Episode 6: "The Trap"
  4. ↑ Cooper Howard: "Yeah? Is Janey asleep?"
    Barb Howard: "Uh, she's reading Little House on the Prairie to Roosevelt."
    Cooper Howard: "Ah. Does he like it? (pause) What?"
    Barb Howard: "It's going to be hard on her, that's all."
    Cooper Howard: "What is?"
    Barb Howard: "You know, no dogs in the vaults."
    Cooper Howard: "Says who?"
    Barb Howard: "Hmm?"
    Cooper Howard: "No dogs in the vaults. Says who?"
    Barb Howard: "Well... that's just the, um... that's the policy. You know, dogs eat meat. It's an avoidable inefficiency."
    Cooper Howard: "Ah."
    Barb Howard: "Yeah."
    Cooper Howard: "That's not really the question, is it? All I'm asking is who decided that there were no dogs in the vault?"
    Barb Howard: "Well, I think that is a relatively trivial concern, given the prerequisite conditions of us living in a nuclear fallout shelter."
    Cooper Howard: "Well, you know, I'm not sure that it is, to be quite honest."
    Barb Howard: "What?"
    Cooper Howard: "I'm serious. Who-who ma... who makes the rules? Because no dogs allowed... that is a new rule. Somebody decided that and didn't share it with fucking anyone. I mean, what else do you have in store for us? Are the-are the blue jumpsuits... are those mandatory? What if I don't want to wear a blue jumpsuit? What if I want to wear a green one?"
    Barb Howard: "So the bomb falls, and you want to know about your wardrobe?"
    Cooper Howard: "No, I want to know about my freedom. I didn't go to war defending that freedom so that I could live in a cellar under the boot heel of Chairman Bud Askins."
    Dialogue between Cooper Howard and Barb Howard in "The Trap"
  5. ↑ Barb Howard: "I was waiting by the phone every night. And every night I was driving myself crazy imagining the worst. So, you do not need to tell me how bad war is, Coop. Every day I go into work and I think about how humanity can survive a nuclear event that will wipe out 90% of life on earth and I come home and you're talking to me about hiding out at a ranch up in Bakersfield. You know, I don't even know what planet you're on sometimes, Coop. But when the bombs drop, a two-hour drive ain't gonna cut it. So yes, there will be no dogs in the vaults. And no, none of it is ideal. But if billions of people are going to lose their lives, I will do whatever it takes to make sure the people I love... that is you and that is Janey aren't among them. I have worked hard to make sure we go into a special vault for management, where we will oversee all of the other vaults. You don't get it. That is the best we can possibly hope for."
    ("The Trap")
  6. ↑ Fallout TV series, Episode 7: "The Radio"
Fallout TV series characters