Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

A Man and His Dog was a pre-War western motion picture starring Cooper Howard and Roosevelt, produced by Mirage Pictures.[1] It is one of Howard's favorite movies.[2]


A Man and His Dog is mentioned in the form of a movie poster in Fallout 76 and in the Fallout TV series.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The physical poster used as background in the TV series has a different set of creators (staring Holly Watson, Alejandro Martinez, Christopher Metzger, and a different production company).[3] These were altered in post-production to the ones currently listed in the infobox.
  • A Man and His Dog is a reference to the 1975 film A Boy and His Dog which was one of the inspirations for the first Fallout games, notably where the name Dogmeat was taken from.


  1. Promotional poster.
  2. Party guest: "Yeah, A Man and His Dog... that movie's great."
    Cooper Howard: "Mm. Yeah. I love that one, too. It was my real dog."
    ("The Trap")
  3. Joy Crew's TikTok