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Interlude 22: To travel or NOT to travel?


Dear Dee:

Sigh.....Is it repeating myself to say that I'm tired? Probably, but I'll do it again anyway. I'm tired Dee; tired of well......everything. Tired of these stupid quests, tired of the traveling to DO the stupid quests. Tired of the responsibility to complete the stupid quests. Tired of the icky, smelly monsters I have to deal with on said stupid quests.....I think you get the point, I am TIRED!!!

For YEARS now, um.....three I think, I have been doing this crap and it NEVER ends! As soon as I get done with one quest, one or more of those silly Scions comes barging in and dumps yet another one on my pretty little Blonde head.(or is that shoulders?, whatever.) I am telling you Dee, it just never, never, ENDS!

Case in point; I just get done saving the, you know, ENTIRE world of Etherys, WITHOUT a afterparty I might add, I mean WHAT is up with that? (Ok, there WAS all that despair death and all which bummed people out, but STILL!!!!) And do you think people would say; "Good job Lady Annabel, you deserve a bit of respite. Why don't you go and take a little holiday for a while. We'll be fine without you."

But NOOOOOO, NOT ME, NOT Lady Annabel Leigh Ashcroft-Crossroads, Warrior of Light, savor of Gods knows how much crap and all that, nope! It's, "oh by the way Annabel," (conveniently leaving out the 'Lady' part), "that Satrap Dragon thing needs your help desperately. (When is it NOT desperate?) "So get your pretty Blonde self over to that gaudy city and DON'T give any lip about it!"

Well Dee, THAT ended up being the start of a VERY annoying series of unfortunate events involving many, MANY of those void spawn things. I'm telling you Book, dealing with a couple of them is fine; dealing with a whole world full of them is NOT fine, not in the SLIGHTEST!!!!!! And ALL for a dopey Dragon's sister, why ME Dee, WHY??????

And of course there were the typical super Void Spawn, of which I had to pound some sense into. I mean, seriously. Just because I am pretty and wear pink, things ALWAYS think I am some useless Blonde Ditz who can't defend myself. Honey, I DON'T like bullies in ANY form, whether it's people or Void Spawn who would give Minnie a run for the ugliest thing in the room. Try crap with me, and I WILL beat you down with style and look Damn elegant doing it too!.......

Before you ask Dee, Yes, I DID rescue the Dragon's sister....well kinda, sorta. I mean her SOUL got rescued; the rest of, it's the thought that counts, right? And after all, the thing is STILL alive, though in a tiny form like that OTHER dopey dragon, which will go unnamed for fear if it actually showing up to bug and bitch at me for something or another.

Oh yeah, there was also Zero, who was a void spawn, but one who did look sort of humanish. I mean she wasn't pretty or anything, but she was not a hag like Minnie either. Thankfully with her help and greedy desire for Aether, the rescue went WAY faster than if I was trying to do it with just those silly Scions at my side. Zero didn't stick with us though, choosing to return to that 13th world to try and save it from the Darkness, which is everywhere there. Will I see her again? Knowing what crap Hydaelyn's damn Echo puts me through, probably........

So, where does that leave me now you ask?

Ha Ha Ha Ha VERY well know the answer to THAT one Book......If you said ANOTHER quest, you would be right! It seems that this female Hrothgar....(wait, they ACTUALLY have females? I guess so, I mean where would little Hrothgars come from if they didn't?) wants me, ME of all people to help her win some contest in her home country that uses said contest to determine their ruler.

I mean, SERIOUSLY? I get asked to do THAT? I mean WHAT do I come across to people, really? I seriously got to work on my image if I dredge up stupid arsine crap like THAT from perspective whiners looking for help.

This....thing....Wuk Lamat I think her name not a BAD sort so to speak. Just a little TOO eager for my help. She is very......chatty, a little TOO chatty if you ask me. I mean don't get me wrong, chat can be good, but the RIGHT kind of chat; NOT stuff which would put me to sleep faster than that evil walking cadaver Matoya talking about books.....

So how did she find me? You can thank that lousy Bun Bun Sharlayan porter for that! I swear Dee, never get to know ANYONE......NEVER!!!! And Scions, STOP volunteering me!!!!!

So am I doing it? .......No comment.......Oh hell Dee, what do YOU think? Yeah, yeah, I KNOW what YOU think. That dumb, ditzy Annabel doesn't have a choice in the matter, and you would be RIGHT!

So when do I leave on this little journey to hell if I know where. Who knows, still waiting on that. But wherever it is probably involves boats, and you know how I feel about THOSE things!

Not THIS time Scions! Cheating bastards and their drugs.........

Gods, I hate my life SOOOOO much.....

Till next time from Hell;


Annabel put her pen down and looked over what she had just written. She winced occasionally as she read through the paragraphs. Too much bitching? Maybe, but it WAS true, well kind of. Unlike her embellished letters, Annabel usually put down her honest thoughts in her journal. But this one kind of sounded like she was writing to her sisters. She sighed and gave a frown. It would be just like her to start mixing the two up, Ditzy Blonde indeed.

Closing the journal, Annabel sat there, absently tapping her fingers on the cover. Such a long time, almost a life time ago one would say. 'Shouldn't it have ended by now,' she thought. 'I mean I DID save the world and all, what the hells else is left? The Echo filled it's purpose, free me and let me get on with my life already.'

But this new development with that furry Princess seemed to have other ideas. Honestly, she should have never have agreed to go on that hunt with Wuk and the others. But Annabel did out of politeness and to keep those silly fools from killing themselves; and from what had happened, it was a damn good thing that she did.

Wuk Lamat seemed to have her heart in the right place, but that woman was still very much a beginner at this adventure stuff. Oh, she tried to hide it, but Annabel had been to TOO many places and seen TOO many things, and she knew a 'green' adventurer when she saw one. Hells, she used to BE one, and was STILL one, depending on who you asked. Yeah, once a ditz, always a ditz......

Oh. that silly Catboi tried to convince Annabel, even taking her to that horrid library to research that Tural place. G'raha must have been drunk or something to think that SHE could be swayed by some silly books. In the end Annabel had refused the invitation to participate, choosing to opt out of the whole thing.

So WHY the hell was she going then? as the evidence of the entry she had just written showed.

Words, words she was told by a dying being not too long ago.

"Tell me, have you been to the ruins beneath the waters of the Bounty?"
"Or the treasure islands beyond the frozen waters of Blindfrost, in Othard's north?"
"The fabled golden cities of the New World?"

Something had stirred in Annabel when she had dredged up that memory; something deep inside her. It was.......a longing......a longing to discover, find, see for herself if all those things Emet said were actually true.

"Because I want to see what there is to see, find what mysteries are out there."

And she knew in her heart it was true......

Yes, she would go, go help this Princess in search of a Throne, go help her companions accomplish this seemingly impossible task. It was her life now, and considering the life she had had before, it really wasn't such a bad life......

But she would NEVER let anyone actually know that. After all, she had a reputation to uphold, silly Ditz and all......

Continued: part 2
Comments (2)

Strange Skirt

Phantom [Chaos]

I can’t believe anyone would describe Zero as “not pretty” :D Personally, I think she looks very cute without that silly hat ;)

Annabel Ashcroft

Faerie [Aether]

LOL, Annabel tends to put down any woman who is half decent looking, you know, petty jealousy and all. Look at how she thinks of Minfilia even though Minnie is really good looking.
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