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Sigh, something ALWAYS drags me back....


As you may have noticed, I MAY have started playing a little sooner than I thought I would.

I know, I know; I wrote many, MANY blogs about Dawntrail saying that from what I have seen of it, I had NO interest in partaking of it in any way, shape, or form......

Well Fate has a way of making one a liar, and it SURE did a number on me.......

So what happened? The Rabid Forum Fans happened. More specifically, the voicing of their complaints about Dawntrail.

When Dawntrail came out, I was interested in hearing all the initial reactions to it, what it was like, if it was any good, was it a great new start to FF 14, yada, yada, yada. Imagine my.....surprise?, maybe not. Ok, curiosity that the Expansion's story was not very good. In fact, the complaints of the story soon outnumbered the fanatics complaining about how much their characters were utterly ruined by the graphical update.

Oh, and by the way people, Annabel looks JUST fine and is as beautiful as ever! Although I think her eyes might be a little smaller; I need to go into the character creator to test this.

So like a moth to a flame I read the non spoiler posts, amazed that SE could have screwed the pooch THAT badly. Surely these were wrong, it really couldn't be THAT bad. But they kept coming, post after post, thread after thread. Until this appeared......

'Wuk Lamat. She hogged every second of the spotlight. Turns out, she was exactly who she was when she was introduced. No underlying complexity, no hidden motives. She's a loud impulsive girl who wants to win the throne. She becomes a loud slightly less impulsive girl who wins the throne. She gets sea sick. She falls down holes. She doesn't like alpacas. She doesn't like heights. She doesn't like lava. She is not interesting enough of a character to be taking up all this screentime. She actively makes every conversation about her. Every scene is about her. All the other characters are set pieces to react to her.'

" OMG!" I thought, "Wuk Lamat is Annabel if Annabel Ashcroft was a tall, furry cat creature!"

At that thought something unexpected happened;

My Muse was ignited....

That one description of Wuk Lamat was the spark that set my Muse aflame, and it burned more intense then I haven't felt since Shadowbringers.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I wanted to write, badly. I wanted to put down on (virtual) paper Annabel's adventures and experiences dealing with the antics of a creature who was a LOT like her, being stuck and led around dealing with a furry ditz who hogs up the spotlight and is sooo bad at sooo much. It was karma.

It was comedy gold and I really, REALLY wanted to do it.

See, although I write tragedy and seriousness really, REALLY well, Comedy is my first love. It's the whole reason Annabel was created in the first place.

I tried to put it in Endwalker here and there, but the story was just soooo serious, so depressing. It was just too hard, doing one serious story after another. For those that actually read my stuff, you didn't see this because I did not release a lot of what I had written due to it being incomplete. In short, it crushed my desire to write, it extinguished my Muse.

Will I ever finish them? I don't know, I mean they ARE still sitting there, so....maybe one day?

But Dawntrail looks to be different. It is a bright, hopeful tale with comedic opportunity, and it called to me.

So I caved and bought it. But I did NOT pay full price, I bought it Tuesday when it officially came out and paid only $32, so got it cheaper! Plus I STILL got the pre-order crap, HA!

So yes, I am now a part of the wave of players doing the new expansion. Currently I am in the first city and am parked there till I finish writing, which I actually have at the time of writing this, so will move on with the MSQ soon.

This time I am taking it slow like previous Expansions and not moving on till I have done my writing, so it may take a long, LONG while till I get to the end. But that's ok, I got YEARS to do it until the next one comes out. LOL

And you know what the funny thing is? I had said that Dawntrail might totally kill my desire of playing FF14 at all. Little did I know that it would do the exact opposite and make me want to write again. Will it persist throughout the whole expansion? I hope so.

And on a final note, since I will be writing again, I DO hope that the story blogs will get a decent amount of views. We will see.......

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