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Interlude 22: Part 2

Part 2:

While she was musing, a sound caught Annabel's ear and she turned to the door, curious. Someone was out in the hall, talking. Rising from her chair, Annabel quietly slipped out of her pumps and pad over to the door in her stockinged feet. Cracking open the door, she gingerly peeked out to see who was talking.

Gathered in a group were the twins, G'raha, and Krile. Why they were gathered out here Annabel had no idea, but decided she would find out. Leaving the door cracked, the pretty blonde waited for the conversation to continue.

"Are you sure this is going to work G'raha", Alphinaud said looking dubious, You remember what happened the last time when we had to get our dear Princess to travel on a ship."

"Ugh, don't remind me," said his sister Alislie. "We had to chase that silly woman over half of Mor Dhona before we finally caught up with her. Thank the Twelve Annabel's always in pink so you can spot her a malm away."

"Now now dear friends", G'raha reassured them. Y'shtola warned me what Annabel might do and gave me everything needed in case our pretty pink bird takes flight again. Rest assured, I'll handle it."

"Well THAT'S good to hear" the third member of their group said; "because my legs are too damned short to be running after flighty Warriors of Light." Krile shook her head in a negative motion; "why she was chosen STILL keeps me awake at night trying to puzzle it out."

"Oh, I gave up on that years ago," Alphy said. "Trust me, it's easier and your sleep schedule will thank you for it."

"Sooooo glad I never gravitated towards that brainy stuff." Alisie flexed a hand. "Give me a sword any day, trying to figure out how ditzy blondes tick I'll leave to you."

'I KNEW it', Annabel seethed as she watched the group converse. 'They must really think I'm an idiot to keep trying the same tricks on me to get me on those damn boats. Well 'forewarned is forearmed' and all that.'

"Oh", Alphy said, "has Wuk said anything about our departure yet? I take it she's going to want to get back to her homeland soon."

G'raha nodded; Wuk and Erenville are out looking for an available ship to give us passage to Tural. Plus she's waiting on Annabel to get her affairs in order before she leaves. As our resident super heroine, Anna needs to make sure no one needs her and all that."

"Affairs?" Alisie scoffed. "Please, from what I've seen of her antics, Annabel avoids every 'affair' she can get away with. Honestly, it's amazing we've got as many done as we have."

"Luckily the Scions can handle most of the small stuff, Krile said. "It's only for the truly special issues Annabel is needed."

' What a load of crap!' Annabel thought, fuming. 'Those idiots drag me into everything under the sun and THEN some. Seriously, if I get dragged into ONE more fetch quest for someone, I will scream!.....'special' issues indeed........'

"Speaking of Annabel", G'raha asked, "does anyone know where she is; she IS still here, right?"

"Maybe out shopping?" Alphy answered, "you know her, any excuse to buy a new outfit."

'Any excuse to buy a new outfit', Annabel mocked in her head. I'll remember that you pointy eared twit the next time some huge ass monster is about to eat you; I'll be inclined to let it DO it too!'

"Well, if she is out in the market it will give me more time to prepare." G'raha took out a list. "I do believe I have everything needed."

"Honestly", Krile said, "why do you have trick her like that? Why don't we say something like; 'Annabel, why don't you think of this like a vacation, getting away from Eorzea and all that.' Isn't she always saying that she needs one?"

"Phhht, more like complaining that she needs one," Alisie said but stopped and thought for a moment. "Hmmmm, do you really think it might work?"

"Well it couldn't hurt," her brother said, thoughtful. "I for one would be glad not to have to chase her down again. Even in those silly pumps of hers, she runs like the wind when motivated"

"Well ok then", G'raha conceded, "we'll try Krile's suggestion, I guess it couldn't hurt and it would make our lives a lot easier. When Annabel comes back we'll bring it up."

At that moment one of the Annex's helpers came to inform Krile that Erenville and Wuk Lamat had returned and requested their presence. G'raha brightened; "ah, sounds like they might have been successful in finding us passage to Tural. Please tell them we'll come as soon as Lady Annabel returns. The helper nodded and left. G'raha then turned to the others, "well lets be off. I for one can't wait to set sail. Imagine, a new adventure in a new land, sounds like a grand time."

As they started off, Alphinaud sighed, "It would be if Annabel was staying here. Another adventure of dealing with her and her antics and I will be the one in need of a vacation."

"You and me both dear brother", Alisie confirmed as the conversation drifted away from Annabel's ears leaving the hall empty and the young blonde making an annoyed face.

"Vacation?" She said aloud; "They have a funny way of defining it. Well I'll show them. I'm going to enjoy seeing ther faces when I ACTUALLY say yes to their 'suggestion'. And believe me, I will HOLD them to that. Lady Annabel Leigh Ashcroft-Crossroads, Gods that is a mouthful, WILL get her 'vacation', one way or another!"

Slipping her pumps back on, Annabel moved to gather up her things and prepare for the meeting. She wondered what kind of ship the Gleaner had precured for passage. Hopefully something that reflected her status. She really did NOT want to travel on some crappy transport boat that was old, smelly, and full of tiny things running around everywhere. Agreeing to do this or not, she WOULD bitch up a storm about it!

Opening the door, Annabel stopped for a moment, looked around then sighed. "Yay, another adventure, Gods help us all......."


Yes people, I am writing again, YAY!!

I gave my reason in the blog before this. Short version, my muse got reignited. Long version: read my blog! LOL I hope though it STAYS ignited and shines brightly for a while. We'll see if Dawntrail gives me the inspiration to keep it up. Also, I know VERY well not many will read these, those glory days are long, long past. But who knows, maybe these new entries will attract new people, we'll see.

So enjoy the new stories of my Ditzy pink wearing Warrior of Light!

Comments (1)

Arturia Crossroads

Faerie [Aether]

LOL, yes dear never forget that Crossroads in your name😁
I'll meet you for some of those pineapple cocktails!
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