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Joe's Weekly Weekend, 5/18 - 5/20


A good but exhausting night at work. Left arm still hurting as well. Got home and crashed for a few hours before doing my Gems of War session. Did my usual dailies, which went honky dory.

And once all that was squared away, I got going on some PvP. And today is my lucky day, as it's the purple kingdom that's been blood frenzied. So I just did some farming in there, and there's gonna be a chance that I might come on around midnight for my stream, earlier than I normally do, to put in some more time. I'm in 2nd place right now, but I think if I can make a big push I can take 1st.

Oh, and as it's Vault Weekend I also did a bit of Gnome farming. But by this time I was starting get groggy, so I just called it off.

And later after my nap I fired up some Summoners War. I did some character upgrading as well as a bunch of farming battles.


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A pretty good Gems stream this morning that ended kinda unfortunately (started dozing off for some reason, despite getting some decent sleep. I fucking hate it when this happens!). A good and chatty stream too, with djscrew361, jayhotlaps, Delcun, and taku_, all coming by and hanging out various points.

Otherwise, for the session itself I did my usual PvP until the reset. Did A LOT of it actually, as I came on 30-45 minutes earlier than normal. And both the purple AND the red kingdoms are blood frenzied today, so I was able to use both my Gray King team and my Zuul'Goth team (although I mostly used my Gray King team, since it's more effective). Aaaaaand I'm in first place. Yes! But, once the reset happened I got going on the dailies, eventually getting them all finished up. And it's the last day of Vault Weekend, so I did a bit of Gnome farming. And it looks like I'll have to get my stream going around midnight again tonight, to get all my Gnome-A-Paloozas taken care of before the reset.

Oh, also: A new visitor named dra9unx also dropped by. He wants to tutor me in Summoners War, same thing that djscrew361 was doing for me in Gems of War. So, it's just a matter of when I can get an open chance (Wednesday is probably going to be the best chance, since there's not much going to be going on as far as Gems goes, just PvP until reset and then dailies). So, kinda looking forward to that. :)>

But speaking of that, later on I did play some more SummWar, as well as listening to A BOATLOAD of new albums from my various YouTube channels that I sub to, hoping to find some that are worthy of adding to my playlist. Spent most of the morning and afternoon checking them all out. But unfortunately, none of them were keepers. *sigh*

Aaaaaaand I kept on watching The Truman Show as well, continuing on from last Wednesday. What a mindfuck this movie is! Some good stuff. I'm about 30-35 minutes in, when ol' Jim starts smartening up. But, just kept on watching that until I had to lay down for the night.


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So, right off the bat I did all my Gnome-A-Paloozas, getting all of them done before the reset hit. And I just went ahead and did some Gnome Vault runs afterwards. And like yesterday it was a pretty social sesh, with djscrew361 and Delcun being on for almost all of my stream. jayhotlaps and zebiiLIVE popped in for a bit as well.

It's a new week. And this week's "Kingdom of the Week" is Dhrak-Zum, which is basically a dark Cthulu-themed Dwarf kingdom. Got on the dailies and eventually knocked them all out. Then came the Tower of Doom event. And this time, my guild actually did some scouting right away (usually they don't do anything till way later). I managed to do about 10-15 floors this time. But, PvP was next, which kinda sucked. They have 2 yellow kingdoms this week, which should never have happened. Hopefully they fix this later on. Hopefully. Until then, I was stuck with just a plain purple kingdom, same as last week.

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Aaaaaand I've been playing some SummWar as well, just trying to knock out some achievements. Making good progress, I think. I uploaded an update video, so we'll see what other more seasoned players have to say. OH! I also played a bit of Vampire Survivors too, doing a run or two and unlocking some more stuff.

And about The Truman Show: I'm at about an hour in, where they, for all intents and purposes, give out the big plot reveal (to me). This kinda killed it with me. I'd have liked it more if this happened at the end of the movie, not in the middle of it. I'll still try watching it, but it won't have the same "pizazz" I guess.

Okay. So, that's gonna do 'er. <Take care>, everyone! And have yourselves a good night/day. ;)>

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