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Joe's Thriday Whole Lotta Nada, 5/16 - 5/17


An awesome night at work, just like last week. Like last Wednesday, they had me working by myself, which is how I prefer to do things. ;)>

But, anyway, I did my usual Gems of War session after my nap. Did the usual daily stuff, which went badly (bad RNG causing battles to take longer than they should). I ended up failing one of my Delve runs due to some shitty gem drops, as well as applied debuffs falling off almost immediately after placing them (debuffs have a cumulative 10% chance per turn of falling off). There was also a class trial for the Bard class, but by this time I was so pissed off that I just got the fuck out of there immediately. I might come back later and do the trial. Oh, and PvP was a no-go, as none of the good kingdoms were blood frenzined, and I'm still in 1st place (people are starting to catch up to me though).

And after that I fired up some Summoners War, doing mostly farming runs. This game has a feature where you can do auto-battles in batches of 10 or 30, so you're not having to constantly babysit the game (and I'll bet this is the main draw of this game lol). So, just kept on doing that while looking at guides and stuff.

Oh, and later on, after managing to get a few hours of sleep I fired up Gems again and did the class trial.


Another good night at work last night, but I ended up hurting my left wrist and forearm from.....somewhere. Took an ibuprofin but it didn't help much. Oh oh!

But anyway, I did another Gems sesh after my nap. Went better than yesterday, definitely. Got the dailies all done. And it seems that this weekend is Vault Weekend, a weekend of spamming quick and easy battles, hunting down those Gnomes! But like always, I probably won't be doing a lot of these until probably Sunday's stream.

Aaaaaaaand I also played some Summoners War as well, just doing some farm battles until I had to lay back down.

So, that'll do 'er for now. <Take care>, everybody. And you all have yourselves a good weekend. ;)>

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