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Joe's Tuesday/Wednesday Goings-On, 5/21 - 5/22


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A very good - especially since I got some good sleep for once! - but VERY busy Gems of War stream this morning. It was a topsy-turvy one as well, deciding to do all my Gnome Vault key runs at the start instead of at the end of my stream. I got all that done with some time to spare, so I just did some PvP until the reset hit. After that, I got the dailies taken care of. And then unexpectedly, my guild actually scouted A BUNCH of floors in the Tower of Doom event this time around (usually it's just a drip-feed of floors). So I got stuck doing this event for over an hour like, way longer than the weekly Faction Assault did. And speaking of Faction Assault, I was able to use my Takashaka for this, so it went real quick. Definitely called it off after that, since I was a bit behind on stuff.

But also, it seemed that Twitch was hiccupping for a while about a half an hour in, with my stream constantly cutting in and out for about 30 or so minutes. But luckily, weirdness_is_good dropped by around this time, keeping me company (as girly as this might sound; Plagued by Writer's Block at the moment). djscrew361 and Lmartyr would also pop in my stream as well.

And for weekly Pinball, it didn't go too bad. I beat 3 out of 4 tables in the Pinball FX3's weekly matchup league. So I should be stable enough to not get knocked down a tier. Randos went pretty well. I completely trounced my previous high score in the Back to the Future survival mode (survival = A 1-minute timer, with it being reset when the target score has been reached). And all the other tables I did competently on.

And later on I played a bit of SummWar, just doing "hard" versions of some of the storyline quests I've been doing (kinda like Savage raids in FF XIV; A lot harder, but better rewards). And I also spent a bunch of time playing VampSurvs as well, unlocking more of the new Contra-themed characters. Unlocked 'em all! I ESPECIALLY like the last one, supposedly the toughest one to use, Simondo Belmont. He has NO STARTING WEAPON! But this can actually be a good thing, as with every other character in the game except one (you can pick a starting weapon you've already unlocked), you're "stuck" with whatever weapon that character starts with. With this guy, I can use whatever I want. Also, with all the other new characters, random Contra character only items drop, such as temporary increased attack speed, shield, and what I call a "Superzapper" that destroys all enemies on screen. And it's also a fun challenge trying to get by on only using these ground items until I can get some proper weapons (the Night Sword and Victory Sword being my favorites) To be sure, he's still kinda weak though, so I have to stick to lower level stuff for now.

But, that'll do 'er for Tuesday.


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Oh, what a stream this morning! A good solid 5 hours, with lots of people coming by. weirdness_is_good, jayhotlaps, dra9unx (more on him later) Delcun, and djscrew361 all coming by for some chat, and totally helping me forget the fact that I got some shitty sleep today. :)>

But for the stream, it was a very busy one. And, this was one of those rare double-header streams I used to do back in the day. I started with the usual Gems, doing some PvP until the reset. And it's YET ANOTHER brand new system. So I just spent a good chunk of time getting acclimated to that, as well doing some grinding. I got as far as 4th place in the rankings, but I doubt I'll be there long. And after the reset, I did my usual dailies. And for the Tower of Doom event, as I wanted to get going on the Summoners War stream, I just skipped it. They "only" scouted 5 floors, so I decided to just go ahead and work on that during the workweek, possibly the weekend if necessary.

Once I quit Gems, I got started on SummWar. And it was here that dra9unx, as well as kydog2003, who also decided to jump in, proceeded to help get me up and running. A whole lotta overhauling, trying to fix the logistical nightmare I had, what with me being new and all lol. Eventually they helped me field a good team, capable of taking on most content. Started knocking out a bunch of achievements and missions as a result of this as well. So, some excellent progress today, as well as an excellent stream! :D>

Started watching an old-school 70s movie called A Piece of the Action. Wowwee! Seeing a young Bill Cosby and James Earl Jones (if I'm guessing right, he did this movie before he started doing the voice of Darth Vader in all those Star Wars movies) in this movie. I must really be watching a rare gem here! But as for the movie itself, it's decent. I'll probably just keep watching this until a). I get bored with it, or b). I have to lay down for the day.

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Breaking News: Got rudely awakened - the ol' "Shake n' Wake" - by highway construction after getting
only 3 hours of sleep. So I figured, since I can't get back to sleep again, totally on a whim I decided to do an evening SummWar stream. I was only on about 90 minutes though, after which I did my post-production stuff and tried laying back down again. Stream otherwise went okay, just did various progression runs before switching to farming runs. A guy named solikasw came by. He's a vet, having played for 5 years.

So, that'll do 'er. Time for another workweek *sigh* So, <Take care>, everyone. And you all have yourselves a good night/day. ;)>

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