Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

Shadow Khan is a major antagonist introduced in the beginning of the second season of the Double Dragon animated series. He is a powerful sorcerer, leader of the Terror Warriors, who was freed from his imprisonment inside the Shadow Shield by the Oldest Dragon a long time ago.

He was voiced by Alec Willows.


A powerful ancient evil being who threatened to take over the world. Shadow Khan was confronted and defeated by the Oldest Dragon a long time ago, who used the power of the Dragon Claws to imprison him inside a shield and then placed the claws over it to prevent him from escaping.

Laying dormant for years, he finally awakened after Dr. Linquist, an archeologist friend of the Double Dragons, found the shield and removed the claws, although he was still trapped inside the shield. Khan hypnotized and instructed Linquist to take the shield to the "Master of Shadows". The shield was thus taken to the Shadow Master, who was ordered by Khan to free him; but the Shadow Master had no intention of doing such thing, so he instead bargained with him, promising to free him only if he could provide him with powerful weapons with which to defeat his enemies, to which Khan accepted. The Shadow Master never kept with his part of the deal, though, which infuriated Khan.

During most of the season, Shadow Khan keeps appearing in his "shield" form, often influencing others in an attempt to be freed from his confinement. He finally escapes in the eight episode, "Shadow Conned", where he is able to hypnotize Daj while the Shadow Master is occupied fighting Billy and Jimmy, and orders him to throw the Dragon Claws into the Black Flame, which upon their destruction Khan is finally allowed to exit the shield and adopt his real form.

Upon escaping, he forces the Shadow Master into becoming his minion, threatening to imprison him inside his own mural if he doesn't submit to his will. He is able to control his victims' worst fears and is followed by a set of "Terror Warriors" of similar power.

He makes one final stand with his warriors at the Underground Dragon Temple against Daj, who comes mounting his pet dragon Little Brother, and the Lee brothers in their increased transformed state, and was finally buried alive by Billy Lee, muttering these threatening final words: "This is not the end, dragons! Never fear, I'm the great Shadow Khan will get revenge!"
