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Double Dragon Wiki

Lady Okada, real name Rose Okada, is an antagonist and playable character in Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons.


“ After the death of her husband, Rose Okada took over the Okada Clan as the Oyabun.
Despite being the leader of the clan, Rose faces opposition from the clan elders. They're unhappy having a female, Caucasian leader as they deem her an outsider.
She is stuck between external and internal challenges, but she must hang on for her young daughters, Shannon and Casey Okada.
~ Official description

Appearance and personality[]

Rose Okada has fair skin and long, blond hair. She wears a two piece, light blue colored business suit, with a red, long necked blouse underneath, and wears a pair of black (possibly leather) gloves. Her hair is tied in a ponytail with a big red ribbon that matches the color of her blouse, and in turn, both garments match the color of her eyes, which are also red. Apart from her clothing, she also wears what appear to be expensive jewelry consisting of pearl (or pearl-like) earrings and a necklace holding a gem.

Powers and abilities[]

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See also[]
