Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

“ Thanks for freeing me, Billy! „
~ FuzzFace to Billy if he frees him

FuzzFace, or Fuzz Face, is a supporting character in Double Dragon Neon. He is a flying fairy-like fuzzy creature who helps the Dragon brothers by periodically dropping power-ups.

Location and characteristics[]

FuzzFace can be found by crouching seven times between the two tombstones at the foot of the first ladder in Mission 6. Once freed from his prison, he will follow the player from mission to mission, making whimsical remarks in a high-pitched voice and periodically dropping power-ups to help them out. However, he will leave the screen during boss fights. He cannot be killed, but will cry out and fly around randomly for a short time if hit by an attack or an environmental hazard.

FuzzFace disappears whenever the player either quits the game or returns to the title screen. He can be freed again by replaying Mission 6.

