Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

“ Are there Sacred Stones in Italy? No. But Hiruko has whisked you here to introduce you to some of the fiercest fighters ever to guard an ancient ruin. By defeating these world-class fighters, you'll hone your skills before the final confrontation. So when in Rome, do as the Romans do. And on this trip that means... fight! „
~ Description from the Double Dragon III manual

Italy is the fourth mission in Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone and Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones.



The whole stage takes place in what presumably is one of the Colosseum's hallways, with other ancient Roman ruins visible in the background. The only enemies encountered in this level are Archers, who will consistently mob the player in groups of three by shooting arrows with their bows and bashing at them when up close.

After advancing enough, Giuliano, the stage's boss, will make his appearance by riding on horseback, making passes left and right in an attempt to run over the player. He is invincible during this phase and will only dismount and become vulnerable after defeating all other Archers.


The layout of this level is similar to its arcade counterpart, with just a few minor changes. The initial section also seems to be a hallway of the Colosseum, but at the end the player will have to descend a couple of platforms in order to enter the main arena, which is adorned with statues on the background.

Gladiators are introduced in this level and comprise most of the enemy forces, with Gibsons and Robinsons joining the battle from time to time.

After dealing with enough enemies, Roney Urquidez (one of the playable characters in the arcade version) will enter the arena from one of the background doorways and challenge the player to a match. Unlike other bosses, he does not become a playable character after being defeated.



