Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

“ Comes in varying degrees of difficulty, but all have the same result, either a 'toad pancake or a Dragon pizza... „
~ Official description from the manual

The Crusha is an environmental hazard in Battletoads/Double Dragon.


Crushas are heavy metal compactors found all along Level 3, Ropes 'N' Roper. They suddenly come out from the ceiling and start smashing onto the ground, attempting to crush the player. They can initially be seen sticking out from the ceiling, and when approached it's when they start their smashing motion.

They are found few and far between in the initial sections of the level, and generally only one at a time. However, as the level progresses, many of them can be found one after another, sometimes in small corridors, where the ceiling is closer to the ground, or even in areas where the the ground is conformed of giant moving gears, hindering the player's movements.

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