Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

“ Crackling with 10,000 volts of energy, it patrols the walls of the Colossus's interior. Accuracy means everything, as mistakes can be shocking. „
~ Official description from the manual

The Buzz Disc is an environmental hazard in Battletoads/Double Dragon.


Electrified buzz saw blades that appear during the second vertical shaft of Level 3, Ropes 'N' Roper. They travel either up or down along the left wall while the player is rappeling it down, forcing them to jump away. They deal a lot of damage and may take the player off rhythm, potentially making them get hit by many of them in a row. The Dragons' "Whizzin' Whirlwind" attack or the 'Toads "BT Bashing Ball" (press toward the wall to transform into either of these forms and then press the ACTION button to launch yourself across the screen in an invincible attack) is very useful for evading these hindrances.

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