Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

Commissioner Briggs is a recurring character in the Double Dragon animated series. He is the stubborn and hotheaded police chief of Metro City and Marian's boss.


Briggs is an irritable and often shortsighted man. When he gets an opinion, he is not easily swayed and often rushes into situations; for example when the Double Dragons were framed for a bank robbery and a manhunt had been arranged, he refused to review the tapes even when Marian noted a clue indicating their innocence.

Yet unlike Captain Tayes, Briggs is an honest cop who is genuinely loyal to the Mayor and Metro City. He will enforce laws even if he doesn't agree with them and will reluctantly admit when he is wrong. He loves his daughter, Samantha, although he is overprotective and reluctant to leave her alone at home.

Briggs had a mistrust of mutants and believed they were all dangerous criminal freaks due to the actions of mutants belonging to the Black Shadow Warriors, making him think all mutants were dangerous. After Jawbreaker saved Samantha and Daj's father helped save him during a cave-in, Briggs realized it was wrong to paint all mutants under the same brush and happily attended the celebration for the mutants acceptance into Metro City.


