Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

Blag Alley is the second level in Battletoads/Double Dragon.


A series of corridors that lead from the rear side of the Colossus to its main central area. The layout is mainly constructed in cold stone and metal, with tubes and machinery visible through a few open sections on the walls, climbable railings, and numerous elevators found along the level.

The main enemies in this area are Guidos and Walkers. Players can arm themselves with a fallen Walker's Leg and greatly improve their reach, in addition to be able to instantly disable Guidos and pound them into the ground until they fall off the screen.

A Doorman of Doom is found at the end of each section of the level, who can only be defeated by picking up and throwing his dynamite sticks back at him.

A Speeder Bike awaits our heroes at the bottom-most floor, initiating the classic racing section popularized by previous Battletoads games. Here, the player will have to either dodge or jump over several obstacles, as well as fend off Ryders coming from both sides of the screen. One part of the level consists only in Bonus Pods scattered along the trail, with their bonuses increasing for each one picked up until finally yielding a 1UP if the player manages to not miss any.

Once the ride is over, our heroes will have to face Big Blag, a humongous anthropomorphic rat who will attempt to squish them into oblivion by stomping on them with his massive body.


