Double Dragon Wiki
Double Dragon Wiki

“ Propelling the deadly missile toward Earth, their fearsome, fiery flames block your path. Hop over their heat, or you'll end up as burnt meat. „
~ Official description from the manual

The Afterburner is an environmental hazard in Battletoads/Double Dragon.


Afterburners can be considered to be the main vein of Level 5, Missile Mayhem. They are either medium-sized or large flames that burst out in a pattern from the missile's many exhaust ports. Getting incinerated by one of these flames deals heavy damage and knocks the player back.

The ports encountered on top of the rocket release large flames; these can be jumped over and the player can safely land on the exhaust port itself. However, from the second section of the level and up until the end, smaller exhaust ports can be found clogging ladders in groups of three, so the player has to time their movements very well in order to avoid getting engulfed in flames.

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