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Please leave a message on my talk page if I can help with anything!
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Yyp (talk) 03:15, May 3, 2018 (UTC)

Re: Pernida Parnkgjas rollback[]

The head part can go, everything else is relevant information and presented accurately.--Xilinoc (talk) 16:14, February 21, 2020 (UTC)

Edit Fluffing Warning[]

Edit Count Fluffing Violation
Hi there, my name is SunXia and I am a member of the team here at Bleach Wiki. I am here to help guide you on our Policies here as you may not be familiar with them. According to our Policy Guide, you are violating our Edit Fluffing rule. This term may be unfamiliar with you but it includes doing the following:
  • Editing different sections of the same page multiple times in a short period of time.
Here, we prefer users to make as few edits as possible when improving a page as it is Quality over Quantity here. Edit the entire page and use the Preview button, it is your friend.
  • Editing a page to reword things that are already Grammatically correct.
Remember, when editing a page, first make sure you think about whether what you want to change really needs changing rather than you wanting it to say the words in a different fashion. Rewording things that do not need rewording repeatedly does not help the Wiki.

Every user on Wikia has what is called an Edit Count and many users seem to feel that it matters how large that count is. Here, at Bleach Wiki, we keep an eye on the contributions of our Community and we can determine just how productive of a user you are. When we see users Edit Fluffing, it is not impressive and now it can earn you a short ban from the Wiki.

Please read this blog to become familiar with how you can really help Bleach Wiki in the future.

Please consider this an official Warning on the matter. According to our Policy Violations Guide, if you accumulate 3 of these you will be blocked for a period of one week. Further violations after banning will increase the length of time for blocks according to the guide.

Current Number of Warnings: 1
Addional Comments: Try not to get bogged down on how things are worded. If it makes sense, then leave it, your personal preference for how things are worded is not a necessary change.

Hope this helps you, kind regards and thank you for your cooperation, SunXia (Chat) 11:55,5/6/2020 
Nine edits in under 45 minutes to the same article is not "proof reading". It is unnecessary, the Preview button, for both Desktops and Mobiles exist for a reason. Its always been a thing. SunXia (Chat) 13:09,5/8/2020 