Bleach Wiki
Bleach Wiki

Yyp Yyp 31 December 2015

Best Wishes For 2016

I just wanted to take a moment to say Happy New Year to all our readers and editors here on Bleach Wiki. And to say a huge thank you to those who have worked so hard to improve the wiki and keep it in order over the course of 2015. There's a lot of tireless work gone in to the wiki and maybe some sleep lost in dealing with certain users or issues. While we may not always say it when or as often as we should, we are all very aware of the effort that is put in. We are forever grateful for that work. Thank you to everyone who has contributed positively, whether its large scale edits, or just correcting a small grammar or spelling error. Keep up the good work people, and if you've not been involved before, please do give it a go.

Best wishes an…

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Yyp Yyp 7 April 2011

How you can help Bleach Wiki

I've seen a lot of people asking what they can do to help the wiki or even commenting that the Admins and P&S Committee members do all the work before any other users can add new info from recent chapters/episodes. In truth there is an awful lot of stuff that is still to be done on this site and I've listed a selection of them below. Everyone has different skills and areas of interest, meaning that we all have something we can do that others cannot. If you can help out with even one of these tasks, please do. It would be greatly appreciated and may help you develop as an editor here and on wikis in general. Check out the Community Portal for more tasks and you can use the Sandbox to test out edits.

  1. One simple, tiny thing that is often neglect…

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Yyp Yyp 26 January 2011

Wikia Anime on Twitter

I received the following message earlier:

Hello, I'm Kate from the Wikia Content team. We are trying to create a WikiaAnime Twitter group, where all of the amazing wikis can come together and share their most exciting information, and hopefully get a lot of new users! To join, all you need to do is post this Twitter button and tweet list on your main page.

19:32, January 26, 2011 (UTC)

Don't know how others feel about it, but I'm not fond of the idea of seeing tweets about naruto etc on our main page. No disrespect to them, but this is a Bleach site. Having looked at the twitter page, it is clearly in the early stages of development, having 10 tweets, 65 following & 28 followers. It would want to have substantially more than that to be of use…

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Yyp Yyp 6 September 2010

New Wikia Skin:What we can expect?

  • 1 Wikia's Look is Changing
    • 1.1 Discontinued features
    • 1.2 New features
    • 1.3 Other changes
  • 2 Beta Testing
  • 3 But I don't like it sir...
  • 4 Handy References
  • 5 Update

In case anyone is unaware, Wikia is overhauling its look over the next month or so and it will be a big overhaul that will affect both the appearance and how things are done here. The change is compulsory for all wikis because it is not simply a new skin option, it’s going to be an upgraded version of Wikia (the wikia system's software is going from mediawiki 1.15 to 1.16.1, which is apparently a bigger deal than it sounds like). Wikia does not want to waste resources working on an outdated version of the software, hence the update being mandatory.

For help with the new layout, check the Transition …

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Yyp Yyp 13 August 2010

Vanishing Images & a Solution

I'm sure many of you have noticed over the last week or so that there has been a problem with images not showing up on articles. Though, curiously most of them show up without difficulty when you click on them. This is a Wikia wide problem and Wikia is aware of it, although I have no idea when or if it will be fixed. While we were quite lucky with it initially only affecting a small number of pictures, it is now becoming worse.

It seems, however, that there is a link between the pictures that are having trouble. All the pictures that I have checked so far have a rare(-ish) character in them, such as Ō, ō, ū or an apostrophe. This has never been a problem before, but it would seem that something has changed in the way the Wikia system handle…

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