Bleach Wiki
Bleach Wiki


I would like to suggest adding the following to the "Badly Needed" section:

And the following to the "Needed" section:

SerialSniper14 06:29, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

In regards to what you've suggested, I'm already going under a referencing overhaul on Amagai's page, so I can help with Kibune as well. And assuming nobody's willing to touch the Bount arc again, I'm willing to claim Ran'Tao and Ichinose as well (especially since we had to double-check something on Ran'Tao recently). But yeah, let's see what Tinni and some of the others of the Committee think should be done. I mean, for all we know, they might want the ones already there to be completed first before adding more, but that doesn't mean you yourself can't take on some of these now. Arrancar109 (Talk) 06:35, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

Is Rukia's page marked for overhaul? We'll have to check with Salibur about that. But otherwise I am adding the pages. I mean, if they need referencing, they need referencing and should be on the list. Tinni (Talk) 06:48, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

Done. I marked Rukia's page as marked for overhaul. If Salibur says that is it no marked for overhaul I'll take it off. However, I suspect that page is marked for overhaul as it has a number of other issues, of which referencing is a the least of the problems. Tinni (Talk) 06:51, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

Findor Carias's article could use some cleanup and referencing. I would suggest adding it to the project--Godisme (Talk) 04:26, April 24, 2010 (UTC)

I would like to suggest expansion, referencing, and atleast one or more images added to the plot for the following people:

--Morgan silve (talk) 02:51, August 9, 2010 (UTC)Morgan[[(Editer)

Rukia Kuchiki's article is completely devoid of references. I see it's been marked for overhaul since January but it still remains untouched since then. Lia Schiffer (Talk) 09:06, October 9, 2010 (UTC)

Uryū Ishida's Bount arc plot section is a mess. It's completely unreferenced and I'd say it could be extended, it barely describes Ishida's participation in the arc. I'm already working on the Text reduction and the lack of images on the article, but the Bount arc, I know nothing of, so I think it should be added to the list of Needs references and perhaps Needs plot expansion. Lia Schiffer (Talk) 06:23, November 20, 2010 (UTC)

"Completed" Section[]

Now that there are articles that have been referenced and completed, could we add a "Completed" section below the "Minor Needed" which lists all articles that have been completed? I think having this list would be a good alternative to leaving the completed articles in the "Needed" sections, and also better than just deleting them from the list as it would be archived in the project. They could also be dated by when they were completed if they need to be referred to in the future. SerialSniper14 18:07, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

Section Created. Minato(Talk) 18:26, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

Who can to move articles to the "Completed" section? SerialSniper14 18:59, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

Anyone can move pages that they feel r completed to the section. Only Admins or Committee Members r allowed to remove the pages in that section. Minato(Talk) 19:01, January 4, 2010 (UTC)

New Edits[]

It probably should come as no surprise that there is significant problems when it comes to new edits popping up. We have a large number of users who like to edit articles by adding new information. More often then not this information is either wrong or not properly referenced. The issue is when its credible information. The same users tend to not reference any of their work. Now its not right that anyone should have to run after others to make references that should have been made when the person decided to put down the information. There is already something stating this much in the manuel of style. In the event that this takes places all members of the policy and standards committee including those who specifically deal in the referencing project are encouraged to fill in this absence of references. Salubri (Talk) 17:19, January 8, 2010 (UTC)

Manga References[]

Several of the reference edits I have seen have been pertaining to anime episodes, rather than the manga chapters. While this would usually be fine, manga references can provide page numbers that show the exact moment in which a referenced event and etc. is shown. On the other hand, an anime episode reference refers to a 20+ minute time frame, making it harder to verify. Several of these articles' references can be practically doubled by replacing anime references with their respective manga counterparts; would it be possible to add manga reference priority to the manual of style? Something is better than nothing, but the issue has been bugging me for a while. Mohrpheus 02:43, January 22, 2010 (UTC)

Your right. It is commonly assumed that it should go without saying that manga takes precedent over anime in any case. In references I normally do the manga is always used first and foremost and if this project is about referencing then I figured thats whats happening. Now it seems its not the case. Manga should be the major format for references with anime being secondary except in cases of accurately depicting in color and movement and as well as anime only content. I'll make sure that this is changed to reflect on the manuel of style. Salubri (Talk) 02:53, January 22, 2010 (UTC)

Orihime's Article[]

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The result of this discussion is: I am not having that tired old argument againt
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For a main character, this article really needs improvement, I been referencing it and expanding it a lot recently with the first two arcs almost complete!! This Article really falls below standards these days especially regarding references!! SunXia 06:16, April 23, 2010 (UTC)

It falls below grammar thresholds as well. Unfortunately I am very busy right and can't do much about that. It needs to be overhauled but Ichigo's article is still being worked on so everyone's hands are kind of tied right now--Godisme (Talk) 06:20, April 23, 2010 (UTC)

That article is marked for overhaul. Salubri and I have already argued over it and frankly I don't care to have that argument again. The long and short of it is, admins will overhaul it in due course. While that does not prevent others from working on it, but be mindful that your edits might be thrown away when the article is overhauled. Salubri's position is "don't bother, leave it for the admins to get to in due course". My position is that I have very limited resources and I am not going to spend them on an article, trying to improve which is seen as a waste of time. Tinni (Talk) 06:36, April 23, 2010 (UTC)

What about the location pages?[]

Most of them need serious help with arcs missing and hardly any references. The worst example is Karakura High School with no plot at all.

PS Is there a guideline to writing plot for a location article? WD Talk to me 00:23, June 12, 2010 (UTC)

I seem to have missed this discussion, I'll address it now. There seems to be little support for this. I am however, in favour of adding a list of fights to locations pages as means of linking the fight articles to the locations in which they take place. Tinni (Talk) 04:12, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

A slight proposal for you guys[]

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The result of this discussion is: Weedefinition will co-ordinate with the Grammer Corner
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So as many of you know, the Grammar Corner was created a while ago to improve the grammar in the articles. Seeing as this is the article improvement project, I would like to propose a little cooperation that I thought of today. Very simply all I ask is that when someone finishes their task on this project, they go to the grammar corner and list the article under the articles in need of work section. Then me or another member could go straight to that page and work on it. That way all these articles would be improves in references, plot, etc. and grammar. This would help me greatly as I don't have to try and remember to do pages, I can just look at what pages need to be done in the Grammar Corner. What do you guys think?--God (Pray) 03:53, July 4, 2010 (UTC)

That's a good idea, but isn't that the whole idea behind the "needs checking for completion" stage? I mean if the pages pending completion are being checked anyway, that also includes grammar and spelling. I do agree though that in the case of new chapters and episodes or new articles being written that are not a part of any project, the standard procedure should be to put them through the grammar corner. WD Talk to me 03:38, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

Great! We have a volunteer! ^.^ Consider this your official job as part of the committee. You are to monitor this project and the fight summary project, as the pages are marked needs checking for completion you are to copy them to the Grammer Corner and mark them as passed to the grammar corner on the actual project page. Once the grammar corner has marked it as complete, you can then mark the pages as grammar check done. We'll leave the actual complete to project leaders as per normal. Tinni (Talk) 04:15, July 7, 2010 (UTC)
Sounds neat!! My first official assignment. WD Talk to me 11:54, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

Having looked through many of the pages that are being checked for completion, I found that no one really touches grammar. They do the referencing and or plot expansion but they do not fix the overall grammar of the page. This way the article would be truly complete--God (Pray) 03:43, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

Hmm. I do like the idea proposed here about having needs checking for completion pages being sent to the Grammar Corner for grammar reviews. I have tried to do some grammar/spelling checks when I check for completion on Fight pages but when you have anywhere up to 6 fights with fairly long paragraphs, it can take up some time to make sure ALL the pages have proper grammar/spelling. - Mr. N 06:14, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

Plot sections for individual Kidō pages[]

I was looking at the pages for individual Kidō spells and I saw that apart from GIFs of the spell in use and a list of known users, there's really no justification for them to exist, because all the other info exists in the Hadō and Bakudō lists in the Kidō page.

But then I thought we should write for every spell exactly when, where and in what circumstances it was used and also if the spell worked or backfired and did it achieve its goal. Also, some spells are more significant than others, like Shakkahō, Tenteikūra and Rikujōkōrō, so I think it should be noted in their pages. WD Talk to me 03:29, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

What's with all the plot section? I don't think so. However, I am all for adding a list of fights where the kido was used. Tinni (Talk) 04:18, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

Calling for a Vizard Fan[]

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Folks, while I was reviewing the Vizard profiles and realised to my utter horror that most of those character profile plot section has very few images. Hiyori is fine. But everybody else lacks images, especially in the Arrancar Arc section. The fake karakura town arc section will be populated with images as the corresponding anime episodes are released but I would really like a Vizard fan with access to the episodes that show Ichigo living and training with the vizards to step-up and populate the profiles with pictures. Tinni (Talk) 03:36, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

I'm in! I'll kill my computer downloading the episodes but I'll do it nonetheless. I love the Vizards, and I'm a Shinji fan (but you've already done that one), but I can check out the other pages in the upcoming days, I'll start downloading the episodes now if that's alright. Lia Schiffer (Talk) 06:23, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks Lia! But Shinji's page is not done. I just used whatever I could find on our database and did the best with what the slim pickings I found there. Feel free to look over it (it still has huge walls of text with no image to break it up) and add what you can. Can I also ask you to add any relevant images you find for the profile, you don't have to find extra images just reuse the ones you upload for the profiles, in the corresponding episode summary page as well? The Anime Summary project did a great job writing-up those summaries but most of those pages don't have the appropriate number of images (assuming they have any). The "appropriate number of images" is of course determined by the length of the summary text and so I'll leave it for you to decide what the "appropriate number of images" for those summaries are. Thanks again! Tinni (Talk) 06:31, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

You're very welcome! I love searching for pics! And I'm happy to know that I can dig for Shinji pics too (Love Shinji!) I'm gonna start with the eps I already have (which I have left from the time searched for Ulquiorra's and Urahara's pics) and that got some Vizard stuff while the rest are getting downloaded. I'm also gonna give it my best for the Anime Summaries, I've never done it before so I hope I don't make a mess of the articles. Lia Schiffer (Talk) 06:53, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

Hey Lia, forget what I said about Hiyori. I had another look at her profile and she could do with a few pics too. It's not totally bare like the others but like Shinji, if you find something interesting that'll go well with the text, add it in. Thanks again! Tinni (Talk) 14:20, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

Joining the group.[]

Hello, is there a requirement for signing up for the group, or a place to sign up? Or, do I just start helping with articles? I know were to get tons of good pictures in the series and I have all the episodes so I know a lot of information. Ltjuno (talk) 13:48, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

Just find an article you want to work on and put your name next to it then mark it *incomplete* when you finish it change the *incomplete* to *needs checking for completion*--God (Pray) 13:51, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

OK thanks. Ltjuno (talk) 15:23, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

I signed up for a text reduction.[]

I signed up for a text reduction and I was wondering when reducing the text am I allowed to take out some sentences and combine others or do I have to just reword the sentences to make them shorter. Also, do i have to leave in all of the conversation that takes place in between the actual fighting or pick and choose what's important and should be left in and what should be taken out? IamJakuhoRaikoben 03:59, December 31, 2010 (UTC)

Hi, thanks for signing-up! As for how to go about reducing text, yes you are allowed to chop, combine and otherwise shorten the volume of text anyway you like! Only thing to remember is to also combine references when you are doing it. For example, say the original text is as follow,

Line 1<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter x, page 7</ref> Line 2<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter x, page 8</ref> Line 3<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter x, page 10</ref>.

Then if you were to chop and/or combine the lines, you have to make sure that no references are lost. So something like,

Line 1<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter x, page 7-8</ref> Line 2<ref>''Bleach'' manga; Chapter x, page 10</ref>

So yes, feel free to chop, combine, reword as you see fit. But also remember to combine references as the text is reduced. Tinni (Talk) 04:13, December 31, 2010 (UTC)

Thankyou. IamJakuhoRaikoben 04:19, December 31, 2010 (UTC)

Glad to help! Tinni (Talk) 04:28, December 31, 2010 (UTC)

Shifting Articles Around[]

Taking a look at some of the articles in here, I noticed under plot section needs tidying that Hō and Ban, Ugaki, Gō Koga Yoshino Sōma and Ryō Utagawa are under there. These were not added by any admins or committee members. They were added by user:Morgan silve who is pretty infamous around here for trying to add information that does not need to be added. Taking a look at some of the articles. I think they could actually go for a text reduction. Hō and Ban have an article much larger than characters who appeared in that many episodes and it is because there are many battle details on the page. I think these pages need to be reassessed to see what it is that needs to be done to them.--GodPray  03:21,4/4/2011 


I could try to do some referencing for Rusaboro, since Mr. N's otherwise... absent, or so it seems. I'll try and do that now, but I can't guarantee that it'll be any good. Aeron Solo wuz here (If you wanna talk) 09:33, July 13, 2011 (UTC)

Mr N. is currently out of the country for a while. I'm sure he would not mind if you did some of the work. Thanks for volunteering to take it on. ~~Ууp <talk> 11:07, July 13, 2011 (UTC)
Np, but the work is sort of hellish. Take a look at my complaints on Rusaboro's talk page. Aeron Solo wuz here (If you wanna talk) 11:16, July 13, 2011 (UTC)


Hello, I just want to confirm that Yoshi needs some pictures added to her plot! From reading the article improvement plot sections, there is alot of work needed to be done on the Bounts. Aside from pictures, her plot looks like a hit-after-hit article, if you know what I mean.. §..Life Gives Lemons..§ †So Make Lemonade † 17:55, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

Images are not handled by this project. They are handled by the image project.--GodPray  18:07,8/4/2011 
I already listed it in the Image Project, you can check it there!! Wow this feels familiar!! SunXia (Chat) 18:30, August 4, 2011 (UTC)
Ok then, thank you, thank you! Anyways, what feels familiar? :/ §..Life Gives Lemons..§ †So Make Lemonade † 21:10, August 4, 2011 (UTC)

About: Yumichika[]

Despite being correctly refferenced, I believe that Yumichika's plot needs expansion; On the Soul Society arc. I believe it lacks some information, especially about his battle with Ganju.

I hope I helped!

The Falcon.... Has Arrived... 20:16, October 25, 2011 (UTC)

Yumichika did not play a large part in the Soul Society arc. For most of that time, he was in a fight with Ganju, which is detailed in a Ganju Shiba vs. Yumichika Ayasegawa. It does not need to delve into detail in his article.--GodPray  20:32,10/25/2011 
Alright Castle Falcon

Las Noches[]

I've almost finished the 'Overview' section. Should I also reference the illustrated guide? -- The Goblin  I'm feelin' the flow  00:49, April 12, 2012 (UTC)

New Additions[]

We are running out of articles to fix, so I went ahead and scouted out for some more. These could all use some work, with varying degrees of severity. Kan values and whatnot pending:

Mohrpheus (Talk) 17:18, November 19, 2012 (UTC)

I added the first column of your list. I'll leave the second to you you lazy ass. Kan values are a touch and go thing. I assign them based on the amount of work needed plus the difficulty in finding the necessary information such as how spread out it is throughout the manga. So I leave the rest to you--God|Pray17:10,11/19/2012

It might help a bit if the existing ones that are claimed but have not been worked on by that person were opened up to allow someone else to do them. Quite a few there that have been "Taken" for a very long time but with nobody appearing to be working on them. Though some of them could have been finished and just not had their status corrected, I haven't had the chance to go through them all. ~~Ууp <talk> 18:54, November 19, 2012 (UTC)

I removed one person's name from an article and alerted all others who have signed up for articles. For future purposes I created User:Godisme/AIUNotice to alert people to when they have articles that need to be worked on.--God|Pray19:57,11/19/2012

The Ganju's Gang page has been largely overlooked too. ~~Ууp <talk> 12:12, March 12, 2013 (UTC)
