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The Dragon Knight is a techno-organic magical armor that exists in the world of Bastard.


The Dragon Knight, named Lucifer, was created by the Ten Wise Men of Europa in order to combat the Demon God Anthrasax, as well as the Augoeides of Angels, and Demons.[1] It is a living machine, with a spirit of its own.[1] Prior to the start of the series, a prototype model called Proto I was used by Lars Ul Metallicana to defeat Dark Schneider. However, this resulted in an extradimensional curse which trapped Lars's body within the armor and forced to his soul him to wander the Earth in the form of an infant dragon.

The Ten then recovered Proto I and later tried to force Dark Schneider to assimilate with it until they were thwarted by Abigail. When Anthrax destroyed the Dragon Warrior Proto I as Dark Schneider was preparing to merge with it, the curse was lifted, and Lars Ul's body was restored. During Dark Schneider's battle with Uriel in Volume 23, Chapter 125, he summoned the Dragon Knight Lucifer and assimilated with it. This greatly amplified his power, which had already been significantly increased by Dark Schneider's prior assimilation of seven of the eight fragments of the Judas Pain jewel.

Common Belief[]

Among the common populace the Dragon Knight is treated as an object or being of myth and legend. It is believed that use of the Dragon Knight requires forbidden magic, and that the Dragon Knight's return is foretold in the Book of Prophecy.[2]

The Dragon Knight is believed to be one who will save humanity from destruction, and would posses the power and intellect of a dragon, and infinite magical power.[3]

The Dragon Knight's arrival is said to be preceded by the appearance of a golden nebula in the sky. Such a nebula appeared when Prince Lars fought Dark Schneider, and again when Dark Schneider fought a monster created by Anthrasax. This nebula had the ability to manifest a giant Phoenix, and ice dragon, from Dark Schneider and Kall-Su's auras.[4]

Powers and Abilities[]

The Dragon Knight had the ability to amplify the spiritual and magical powers of the user a hundredfold. It can be summoned anywhere in the universe, even across dimensions.[1] However, overuse of this will destroy the user, leaving nothing left.  Not even his soul. d.s also used it to defeat the fallen augoeids 130 times power form of uriel.

  • Transcendental Destruction Cannon Deployment: Two large cannons which emit a blast powerful enough to cancel out the Gungnir of Uriel's Augoeides.[1]
  • Gravity Canon Deploy: A giant canon appears out of the center of the Dragon Knight.[5]
  • Incantation Decompression: Allows Dark to use the various spells that have been packed inside the Dragon Knight such as Exodus and Giran Ira.[5]
  • Giran Ira: By creating a micro-black hole, Dark Schneider can negate attacks used against him by transporting them to another dimension.[5]
  • Pain Killer: Reduces the pain the pilot feels from attacks.[5]
  • Loud Guns Blazing: Dark Schneider opens the Dragon Knight Lucifer's nine elemental furnaces and combines them into a series of powerful beams. This was strong enough to break through Uriel's Dispel Bound and severely wound him.[5]
  • Regeneration: The Dragon Knight is able to take in minerals from the Earth around it to repair itself.[5]
  • Hell Rider Deploy: Causes wings to appear on the back of the Dragon Knight, enabling flight.[6]
  • Exodus: Surrounds the armor with 20,000° Celsius flames, turning it into a biomechanical torch.[6]
  • Jawbreaker Deploy: Causes a giant energy blade to appear on the lower jaw of one of the Dragon Knight's heads.[6]
  • Super Demonic Dimensional Rift: Using the jawbreaker blade the Dragon Knight is able to punch through Uriel's storm of micro black holes.[6]
  • Thirteen Releases Sentinels! Bloodstone!: Dark Schneider creates a magic void in which all damage dealt to him will be reflected onto his opponent with the same intensity.[6]

Image Gallery[]

The Dragon Knight using Giran Ira to absorb Gaia's Judgement


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Bastard!! v23. The Tale of the Immortal Laws XXVI
  2. Bastard!! v3. The Vampire
  3. Bastard!! v5. Battalions of Fear
  4. Bastard!! v12. A Gathering
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Bastard!! v24. Defender of the Faith IV
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Bastard!! v25. Defender of the Faith V

