Bastard!! Wiki

Anthrasax (also known as God of Destruction Anthrasax) is a female demon, with enormous destructive power. Other than that, little is known about her, though it is shown that she is a massively feared being, as just mentioning her name can create mass panic amongst a planet's population. Contrary to popular belief, Anthrasax is not a being made of magic, but of science instead.


Anthrasax is a gigantic, chimeric mound of flesh and machinery the size of a small mountain, with horns and spikes rising form her back. She has two faces; one, the face of a horrid demon that is split in half by the second face, which is that of a beautiful woman, the demonic parts sitting above and below those of the woman.


Anthrasax was created by scientists, magicians, and alchemists, hoping to put an end to all wars in the world. She was the culmination of all their work, and the most powerful of the Demon Gods that had been created. With her demonic and destructive power she destroyed several cities thus deciding the outcome of the war. Anthrasax then began acting under her own, free will, and by using her telepathy, she communicated with other Demon Gods and forced her malevolent will upon mankind. She declared war on humanity, and those that tried to stop her were overwhelmed and left as corpses. On the verge of humanity's total destruction, the Dragon Knight appeared before Anthrasax to stop her. As they battled they were moving the entire planet's axis. After ten days of battle, one last attack from the Dragon Knight defeated her. The Dragon Knight then buried her deep down under the ground and trapped her with four seals.[1]


Anthrasax is seen sleeping in the dungeon temple underneath the castle of the Kingdom of Judas , chained up by four of the aforementioned seals.

She eventually frees herself, and after a devastating battle in which Dark Schneider is banished to Hell, is defeated. Angels use her death to materialize in the normal world.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]

Anthrasax can fire destructive magical beams from her mouth and create/summon numerous flesh creatures that can also fire massive, laser-like beams (when she is at full power). She is also a massively powerful telepath.

Anthrasax has the ability to increase the powers of those born in darkness[3], and demonic artifacts like the Demon-Mail.[4]

  • Anthra Light Ray: A powerful energy blast shot out from the mouth of a monster created by its cells around Kall-Su.
  • Coat: powerful defensive barrier spell.
  • Dimensional Confinement: Traps beings of darkness in a dimensional gap they can never escape.
  • Gravity Manipulation: Can manipulate the gravity around it, allowing it to fly, and lift up large portions of the ground around it.[5]
  • Image Projection: Can project an image itself into the sky, and talk through it, from many miles away.[5]
  • Soul Consumption: Can consume the souls of the dead around it to increase its power.[6]
  • Weather Control: Anthrasax can control the weather around it.[2]
  • Ultrasonic waves: Is able to produce highly destructive ultrasonic waves.[2]


  • Anthrasax' design is a tribute to H. R. Giger, the man who designed the Xenomorph for the Alien movie series. Anthrasax and the Xenomorph both have a biomechanical appearance.
  • Anthrasax name comes from the fusion of the names of the American thrash metal band "Anthrax" and the British heavy metal band "Saxon".


  1. Bastard!! v8. The Legend
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Bastard!! Data Book (p. 66)
  3. Bastard!! v5. Wake Up Call
  4. Bastard!! v5. Stronger Than Ever
  5. 5.0 5.1 Bastard!! v12. The Holy War III
  6. Bastard!! v12. The Holy War IV

