Re: Make your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!

by illMacAttack

Original Post


Re: Make your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!

★★★★ Novice

You are not providing any support. This company has set up their entire website to avoid giving support.

Message 21 of 28 (309 Views)

Re: Make your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!

★★★★ Novice

Imagine being this out of touch with their own player base. SMDH, I can't believe you people get paid to be this inept.

Message 22 of 28 (309 Views)

Re: Make your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!

★★★★ Pro

Thank you for bringing this thread to my attention.

I also find it rather ridiculous, as suggestions, displeasure, bugs and technical problems have been posted in the German-language forum for years (not just by me)!! As far as I can tell, nobody has been interested so far.
Respawn has cut off all possibilities of direct communication, they are present on Reddit, which they only use as an announcement platform.
So it's only a one-way street of communication.

They have no email address, no customer support, no phone number - instead they refer to this "community forum" where is no one to deal with technical issues. The EA-support team can't help either - you're fobbed off with empty phrases and a "what-to-do-list" is worked through.

So where is the immediate assistance from specialised staff that we so urgently need?

In my opinion:

1) Respawn do not want to help or to communicate with their community
2) EA can´t help

3) This forum is useless since most of the relevant topics are just ignored, closed or answered with empty phrases


But: At least two of my suggestions have been implemented

a) An "account-wide kills"-tracker

b) The Firing-range rework


So, somehow they are ! being informed about community-wishes and suggestions - but whether anything changes remains a matter of luck.

Message 23 of 28 (269 Views)

Re: Make your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!

★★★★★ Apprentice

"Community" really needs to be qualified - because generally EA & the devs only bother to talk to the "pro" community and the woes of the 0.1%, as opposed to say... the 95% of the playerbase.


That said - EA will never care about "their community". They care about the whales who splash the cash on $200 skins and consider the rest of y'all parasites they have to put up with who cost them money.

Message 24 of 28 (244 Views)

Re: Make your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!

★★★ Guide
@EA_Vendcera Just decided to look at this Player Pulse thing's only random surveys/discussion for who know what game/topic EA decides maybe 2-3 times a month? The "rewards" they're offering as well make it sound like one of those reward program that will probably be shut down in less than a year... If it actually works, great, but I'm very doubtful this company will actually use this effectively...

I'm glad the forums here are still being used, but it would be nice to actually see someone from Respawn/EA come in and say something and let us know they're looking in here. I know I'm not alone in feeling like the devs/publisher do nothing but ignore feedback and put out more expensive cosmetics to add to their Olympic sized swimming pools full of $100 bills...

How many times have people complained in here about things like hacking, servers, bugs and glitches, matchmaking, and countless other issues that are still in the game today? I'd say it's going to get to a point where people will just say "enough" and quit playing, but I know there's still whales out there (and people like me who keep coming back after saying "enough" hoping things are better...) who will keep this game afloat until EA decides to just pull the plug on this someday.
Message 25 of 28 (190 Views)

Re: Make your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!

★★★ Newbie
@EA_Vendcera Remove the leave timer in rank, stop forcing us to play with terrible teammates
Message 26 of 28 (140 Views)

Re: Make your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

@EA_Vendcera Could ya'll actually respond to tickets instead of this pointless stuff and acting like you care about the community please.

Message 27 of 28 (87 Views)

Re: Make your voice heard - Join EA Player Pulse!


Just so you know the CM's here do care about the community. That is why they are here.


As far as tickets go no one here at AHQ works on that stuff. In fact there are no tickets to be submitted here on AHQ. 


If you have submitted tickets via EA help, with an EA advisor or the ToS team you need to contact them. 

The needs of the many,
outweigh the needs of the few or one. --Spock--

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Please note: I am a community volunteer – I do not work for EA.
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Message 28 of 28 (67 Views)