About AHQ


  • What is XP?

    Experience Points (XP) is the universal points system of Answers HQ. Players gain XP by providing great answers. Each player is free to give XP for answers they find helpful. If you see an answer you prefer, click the XP button to give a fellow player XP for a job well done.

    Other notable XP boosts include:

    • Having an answer preferred by a member of the Answers HQ team or a majority of the players
    • Collecting special badges
    • Completing specific answer challenges and more
  • How do I get XP from answering questions?

    A question in need of a solution will have a point amount icon next to it in the search results.

    When you reply with an answer to the question, and the author accepts your solution, you will gain the number of XP points listed for that question. Questions can only have one accepted solution, but individual replies can still receive XP.

  • Why are the numbers on some posts higher than others?

    Points increase when a post gets additional Me toos, replies, or hasn't been answered right away.
  • How do I give XP on a reply?

    You can give XP to any posts in the community except your own.

    Click the XP button on the message. If you change your mind about the quality of the message, you can remove your XP.

    The XP button will have changed to Remove XP. Click it to remove your XP. The XP count is updated and the XP badge shows that you can now give the message XP again

  • How can I see who else gave XP to a message?

    See who gave XP to a message:
    1. Go to the Message page.
    2. Click the XP total to see the XP history for that message.
      • The All Users tab shows you all of the AHQ members who gave XP to the message.
    3. Click the Experts tab to see XP given by high-ranking members of AHQ.
      • Experts are usually moderators and other users who have an XP weight of more than 1 when they gave the message XP.
      • XP from community experts carries more weight than XP from newer members.
    Click the User ID, Date, or XP links to sort this page by the name of the user who gave XP, the date XP was given, or by the XP count.
  • Why can't I give XP to some messages?

    There are a few reasons why you might not be able to give XP to a post.
    • You already gave XP to this message (you can only give XP to a post once).
    • You wrote the message (you cannot give XP to your own messages).
    • AHQ community managers want you to give XP only to a message that starts a thread and not to replies.
    • AHQ community managers turned XP off for a message or a forum.
    • AHQ community managers froze XP for this message. You can still see how many XP the message received, but you cannot give it XP.