Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

by Dequan_Gambrell

Original Post

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

@anneke33 I mean, I am not playing it anymore. But I still do have opinions and I'll voice them, don't hate on me just because I don't lick ea's boots like you do :o   also about the vlad thing- you seem to be playing on only the same save then. The Vampires do do that. There will be a message that goes like 'oh that's a nice neck you have there' then break into your house when all your sims are asleep, suck on your neck and leave. The sim will have a dazed moodlet and I think their energy is crap after. Google it if you don't believe me. 

Message 11 of 75 (2,713 Views)

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

★★★★ Apprentice

@rename0654871 suit yourself, if you'd rather play a game you hate just to be able to whine about it, go ahead. If complaining is the only "fun" you have in your life, that's sad but go for it if you have nothing better to do. Just don't expect any more reactions from me to your complaints because I won't be reading them. I have better things to do and more fun ways to spend my time.

Message 12 of 75 (2,698 Views)

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

★★★★★ Novice
@anneke33 I just told you that I don't play it anymore?
You won't be reading them either way because apparently you cant read :P
Message 13 of 75 (2,696 Views)

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

★★★★ Apprentice

@rename0654871 nice edit you made there. I believe your original post said "Hmmm, nahhhh" and nothing else. The amount of 'm's and 'h's could be off but that's what your original answer to me was. So don't go insulting me and accusing me of not being able to read when you rewrite your whole post after I comment on it. You may think that makes me look dumb and you look smart but you're wrong, hunni. 
Go try to play someone else for a fool because I'm not buying. I don't have time, patience or energy for this kind of immature behavior.


This is the last time I'm being so nice about it, I will not accept any more of your insults or childish games.

Message 14 of 75 (2,648 Views)

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

★★★★ Apprentice

@rename0654871 you do realize it's plain for everyone to see that you edited your post, right? It says so in the top right corner, oopsie! 

Message 15 of 75 (2,649 Views)

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

★★★★★ Novice
@anneke33 My edit went through before you commented. I am well aware of that it’s visible, I originally just didn’t plan to carry this on and changed my mind then.

It’s too bad that you ‘aren’t buying it’ because it seems like you already did. 🤷‍♀️ In the end you did reply when you said you wouldn’t because you claimed to have better things to do which was obviously not the truth. But I don’t blame you. People who have to brag about how fun and busy their life is usually don’t have that good of a life.
Also, using words like ‘hunni’ don’t make you look cool. People tend to use that trying to make points when they get really riled up about something -
What was that thing you said about blood pressure? Hope 2020 will treat you better than the rest of your life apparently did for you feeling like you need to prove yourself to some stranger online.

As fun as it is to poke at EA white knights, this will suffice.
Message 16 of 75 (2,607 Views)

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

★★★★ Apprentice

It went through while I was commenting. And as I’m not psychic, I replied to your “hmmm, nahhhh” and you know it. Don’t play dumb.


Maybe you should learn how to read. I clearly said I wasn’t going to reply to your complaints anymore and I didn’t edit my post so it said that from the beginning. Personal insults are not the same as complaints about the game.


And why does it matter so much to you anyway? If I enjoy the game then I enjoy it. Or am I not allowed to say that without being insulted yet again? I’m not going to lie just to make you feel better. Not everyone will agree with you on everything, deal with it instead of acting like an entitled brat.
Why do you feel the need to attack a stranger on the internet just because she likes a game you don’t like? What’s it to you what I play or spend my money on? 
You know nothing about me or my life so don’t pretend like you do. I got an email saying that I got some XP on my answer and wanted to check & saw that you changed your post and added a bunch of personal insults. I tried to help you and gave you a suggestion to play some challenges if you thought the game was boring and I got insults and namecalling in return. The only time I would think the game is boring is if I use cheats and it’s too easy, hence => challenges. You are not a nice person and nothing more than an internet troll and a bully trying to get some kicks. You’re not worth my time and this really will be the last time I reply to you, call me whatever you want, I won’t be losing any sleep over it.



Message 17 of 75 (2,590 Views)

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

Community Manager

Hey all, when posting on AHQ we would ask that you do so in a polite and constructive manner.

There is never a reason to post in an abusive manner toward another user.


If the back and forth in this thread continues then the thread will be locked and timeouts handed out.


If unsure as to what is allowed on AHQ, please take a moment to read the AHQ User Rules and Guidelines: https://answers.ea.com/t5/help/faqpage


Message 18 of 75 (2,568 Views)

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

★★★★ Apprentice

@EA_Darko I wasn’t planning on replying to that person again but I’ll see myself out if AHQ expects me to just take insults like that. No need for a timeout. I don’t allow people to talk to me like that person did and if this forum expects me to, then this is not the place for me.

Happy Simming to everyone and goodbye

Message 19 of 75 (2,562 Views)

Re: Why does the Sims 4 suck so much?

★ Apprentice
@Dequan_Gambrell Your right the sims 4 does suck beyond all reason...if these EA * were smart they wouldve expanded on the sims3 and made it better but no they had to pick it apart and make it like playing dolls centered for little kids....these sims have zero personality the way the sims 3 and sims 2 did...this game is an absolute joke and I dont know how simmers stand for this crap of a game since they know what they did have before this...This company should REFUND ALL OF US WHO ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THIS GARBAGE GAME BECAUSE THIS IS NOT WHAT WE EXPECTED FROM A GAME THAT IS SO TREASURED BY SO MANY
Message 20 of 75 (2,141 Views)

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