Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

by amjoie

Original Post

Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

★ Guide

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? 1.105.345.1220
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? all
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I am not sure it is a bug, and I have only had it happen just this first proposal, but you would have to get a sim to propose to their partner. I had mods in this game, and I can only get them to propose once, so it is hard to make it happen again. I do not have a couple that could propose in an unmodded game, atm.
What happens when the bug occurs? During the proposal the ring is on the engagement finger. Then the ring disappears when she jumps in his arms, and shows up on a different finger once he stands her up again. Pics attached below.
What do you expect to see? I would think the ring should stay on the engagement finger, since it is an engagement ring. But maybe that is not possible because rings are assigned only one location?? I guess I just want to know if this is the way the game is designed or if it should not be happening.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

Please review the pictures and let me know if this is what should be happening, or if the ring should stay on the engagement finger.01 ring clearly on engagement finger.jpg02 ring missing altogether.jpg03 ring on the wrong finger.jpg

Message 1 of 21 (746 Views)

Re: Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

@amjoie Moving this to game issues for now, especially since untested on vanilla.

Can't say if it's a bug either but does it only happen to self-created ones and if you have a lot of rings ?

Would be good to get more voices on this from other users (especially the person that clicked me too)

Do you maybe have a backup from before the proposal ?

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
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Message 2 of 21 (671 Views)

Re: Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

★ Guide

@crinrict  My backups from before the proposal are from a long time before the proposal, like when they were just boyfriend and girlfriend. So, basically starting from right after a first kiss. To make them propose again would be the same as starting from new sims out of CAS who had amazing compatibility. I could do it, but it would take a while. LOL


If this was a detrimental issue, I would test it again in a flash, regardless of the time involved. But it may be a nothing burger, just due to the constraints of the game, ie rings are designed to only go on one finger. It might well be that you can choose any ring to propose with and during the proposal interaction it will appear on the engagement finger, but then revert to the finger it was originally designed to go on.


Or it could be an oversight and the game designers missed a line in code.


It is such a picky thing to even bring up when real bugs need squashing. But ... oh, I probably don't have a good excuse for just hoping the ring would be on the right finger. LOL


I am curious to know if this is happening to everyone, though.


I have no idea if something like this was happening before we could make our own rings for proposals. I never paid any attention. I typically do not add jewelry to outfits, especially rings. I can hardly see them on a sim, tbh. Rings that came with the game before now were tiny and my eyes are not what they used to be. Now the ones the sims create are very visible, so I noticed because I took pics of their engagement and watched it happen.


I know from trying on different styles of created rings my sim made, before in a different game, that if a ring is on their finger, it can get replaced by a ring of a different style, but I do not know if that is random or even if it should be happening.


I am guessing the number of rings a sim is wearing would have no bearing on the engagement finger placement. I have never seen a ring go on that particular finger before, on that hand. They always seem to go on the first two fingers and pinky finger. I thought it might have been to leave the engagement finger open for engagement and marriage. Because on the female's other hand, I have seen rings go on that finger.


After wrestling with myself, I finally decided to try to find out if it was a bug or intentional. It's probably just silly of me, but, ack, I wanted to know. LOL



Message 3 of 21 (647 Views)

Re: Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

@amjoie Best is probably to see if other chime in. I wonder which would be the best forum for this. Game issues is a lot about helping but before calling it a bug, I'd really like to see what others have to say (I personally still haven't tried the pack and same as you, I don't pay much attention to this stuff so I don't know how it was before)

There's a few vanilla forum folks now in that play a lot so maybe general chat would be a good one to find out if others see this too ?

What do you think ?

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 4 of 21 (629 Views)

Re: Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@crinrict  Yes, I think that may be a good idea. We just need to get other people's experiences, and more people might read about it there.


I did try one thing, which is not definitive, but leads me to believe it might be just the way things are. I had her make him a ring to match hers, and give it to him as a gift. Since it was just a gift, not a proposal, nothing is for sure. But he did put the ring she gave him on the same hand and same finger as where it ended up on her hand. So maybe that ring is assigned to that location on both males and females??


But we still do not know if engagements should be different, so .... I hope other people chime in with how it goes for their sims during and after a proposal, with this style ring and other styles as well.


One thing I will say for sure, the jewelry is lovely. It really is a pleasure to see them wearing it.  Standard smile



03-12-24_1_25_26 AM.jpg

Message 5 of 21 (614 Views)

Re: Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

@amjoie Moved this to general chat then for discussion.

Please tag a CM to move back to bugs if it turns out to be one.

Good Luck


I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.
Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

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Message 6 of 21 (605 Views)

Re: Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

@amjoie What's the name of that ring?

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 AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 7 of 21 (601 Views)

Re: Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@SalixCat  I don't have my game open right now to check the exact name, but it is the one with the word Gothic in it. Victorian Gothic, maybe?


Edit: It should not make any difference for testing, but the ring shown was made from rose gold and the crystal that sounds a lot like a jonquil flower. I'll edit this later when I get into my game again to look up the exact names. But both of the materials were rare.


I put a collection of rare gems on my gallery page, if anyone needs to download them for testing ....


Edit: Ah, the name of the ring is Edwardian Gothic, and the crystal is Jonquilyst. Please note your sim needs gemology skill level 10 to craft this ring.engagement ring.png

Message 8 of 21 (599 Views)

Re: Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

[ Edited ]

@amjoie No worries 😉 I don't have my game open either atm. Might try to create the ring later.

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 AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 9 of 21 (595 Views)

Re: Bug? Engagement ring changes fingers after proposal

[ Edited ]

@amjoie Thanks for the ring details 


My Sim crafted two Edwardian Gothic rings, one for her and the other one for her boyfriend. She wears it on her left middle finger.


Ring 1.png


During the proposal animation, her fiancè wears the ring on his left ring finger.


Ring 2.png


Ring 3.png


Then, right after the proposal animation is finished, he is wearing the ring on his left middle finger


Maybe this is by design. Maybe the proposal animation is adjusted to show the selected ring, but the final placement is on the assigned finger, which in this case is the left middle finger.


Ring 4.png




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 AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 10 of 21 (564 Views)

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