About AHQ

Subscriptions and Notifications

  • How do I use subscriptions?

    Subscriptions send you email updates whenever new content appears in your chosen, favorite areas of the community.

    Subscribe to a product, blog article, specific post, or any other location in the community by opening the Topic Options menu and selecting Subscribe.

    View and manage your subscriptions in the Settings menu:

    1. Click your username and select Settings.
    2. Open the Subscriptions & Notifications menu and select My Subscriptions.
    3. Click a bookmark to visit its page.
    4. Delete a bookmark by clicking its checkbox, opening the Email Subscription Options menu and selecting Delete Selected Bookmarks.
  • How do I use bookmarks?

    Bookmarks allow you to save community content like boards, articles, topics, or individual posts, on a special page so you can easily find it again.

    Bookmark something by opening the Options menu (either a pull down menu or a gear icon) and selecting Bookmark.

    View and manage your bookmarks in the Settings menu:

    1. Click your username and select Settings.
    2. Open the Subscriptions & Notifications menu and select My Bookmarks.
    3. Click a bookmark to visit its page.
    4. Delete a bookmark by clicking its checkbox, opening the Bookmark Options menu and selecting Delete Selected Bookmarks.
  • What is RSS and how do I use it?

    Really Simple Syndication (RSS) lets you subscribe to site updates or 'feeds' and track them in an app called a feed reader.

    Subscribe to RSS feeds in AHQ by going to a product, blog, thread, or message then opening the Options menu (either a pulldown menu or a gear icon). Select Subscribe to RSS Feed to view a preview of the feed.

    Depending on your RSS reader, you will either have a button on your browser to let you subscribe, or you will need to copy and paste this feed URL into the reader. Once you subscribe, the RSS feed will appear in your reader and you will see new content from that section of the community whenever it becomes available.