Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

by ggibb65

Original Post

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

★ Guide
@FearfulWarpII *cracks knuckles*

Let's do this. LOVE LOVE the NT-242. I'm a Specialist main, and that's my main weapon. The 280-CFE is much, much better in close quarters and inside combat, but I'm sure you already know that.

I'm not an expert at this NT business - I see people in Blast using that thing that can run circles around me - but my love for it let me MAX rank Specialist before any other class, and it's not even close

First get your controls honed right. Bunch of YouTube videos around showing the setups you can adjust. You need to go in there and fiddle with the control knobs until it works for YOU. I apparently have super slow reflexes, so if I twiddle with those knobs letting me spin around faster, it totally destroys my aim

You can also fiddle with Aim Assist too. I forget if I use it or not.

I read somewhere that using a green colored crosshairs works best on the majority of maps - no clue if it's true, but that's what I use.

I find it hard to use the super-zoom function - the kickback is too much - but it's great for spotting people across the map and getting in a quick hit

I'm still not exceptional with this - so I find trusting to the 2 hit body-shot elimination works better for me than caring about 1 hit head-shots too much.

But the 1 hit head-shots are GLORIOUS to experience. Only way to get good is to practice. A lot. Constantly. Every day. Some people have a natural ability with this. I don't. I'm pretty sure some people use a cheat. I wouldn't even know how.

Really helps to train yourself to run with the crosshairs at head-height at all times, especially indoors. The NT at close range is like a cannon going off, and if you can perfect shooting without aiming (which I haven't) - you'll be a Sith amongst men

But again the best advice sounds dumb - it's just to practice a lot with it. I'm in Blast all the time, and I have 2 or 3 personal sniper spots on each map that I literally spend 99% of the game either hiding in, or running towards. Just camp out and practice with those head shots. Look for stationary noobs first and pick 'em off. Work towards scoping people running and lead them with the scope to pick 'em off.
Message 91 of 111 (2,477 Views)

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

★★★★ Apprentice
@TRlALON Cheers
Message 92 of 111 (2,461 Views)

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

★★★★★ Guide

Survivilalist a a general star card is really underrated in my opinion. Allows you to withstand the horrific spam and not get punished for stupid random encounters. Main officer loadout is recharge command,surivivialist, and bounty hunter. Aha Spelling is trash again today

Message 93 of 111 (2,454 Views)

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

★★★★ Pro

@soapy_catusesThe funny part here is that your words are all spelled properly except - survivalist lol.

Message 94 of 111 (2,441 Views)

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

★★★ Pro
Always helpful
Message 95 of 111 (2,352 Views)

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

★★★★ Pro

@ToddyRocket1What if I told you that the secret plan was just to watch how a thread created by EA staff gets shut down? Divide and Conquer and so forth.

Horrible thing to imagine if that would've actually been my motivation, right? Though I just couldn't miss the opportunity to memp there.




Message 96 of 111 (2,349 Views)

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

[ Edited ]

This is a hint for everyone & one of my pet hates.


When in battle be careful when and where you drop a squad shield Particularly when you are playing Princess Leia. There is nothing worse than being in the heat of a battle getting your shots away and someone drops a squad shield over you or in front of you. I use explosive shot quite a lot and have been killed many times caused by splash back when a shield is dropped or when you are using the sentry gun ( which slows your movement). Another is when at the same moment you throw a grenade, a shield drops & the grenade bounces back at you.

I have used them but only in open fields or when trying to hold an objective, never in confined space. Also remember that your enemy can use your shield against you.

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Message 97 of 111 (2,277 Views)

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

[ Edited ]

 A Very Merry & Covid Safe Christmas to All




& here's a youtube link if you haven't already seen this guy's videos Darth Santa STRIKES BACK! - YouTube

"I am not an EA employee. Just a fellow gamer trying to lend a helping hand. I don't know everything but will attempt to find a solution to your problem. If I have helped, please click on the XP button below. If I have solved your problem, Then click on the Accept as Solution Button. Have Fun."
Message 98 of 111 (2,226 Views)

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Pro

Copypasted this because my originally intended comment for the random facts thread evolved into a complete star card guide for Yoda lol.


Yoda has the worst and most outdated star card deck of all heroes and it's only making him not unplayable because his base abilities as well as his small hitbox size allow for a very fun and dynamic gameplay in infantry modes regardless.


Seriously, it's an absolute no-brainer which cards to chose for Yoda.

Use Feel the Force and Agility for all modes.


In HvH mode, use Opposing the Dark Side, for infantry modes Jedi Mentor, laughable as this max dmg reduction of 8% is.

It's just as simple as that, there aren't any other really good starcards to chose from.


Enduring Presence: Works against you as the ability duration timer won't stop even if the extra HP from Unleash are spent

It's also not possible to manually cancel the ability, which really doesn't help with the problem. Yes, this effectively means extra cooldown time once you prematurely run out of those extra HP.


Unleashed: Works against you as the max dmg output of the Unleash ability gets capped at max 160 dmg out of the normal max 190 dmg. Use this if you have no problem with only being able to kill normal soldier classes and only if the Unleash ability is fully charged up. Not a good choice for areas with fewer targets at least and in choke points you'll most likely not need that extra range. Either way, make sure that Unleash ability is fully charged up before releasing when using this card.


Earned it I have: Has been tested and reported to actually do nothing. Whatever is the case, that card really isn't needed if you have someone spamming shots at you because Unleash can charge up really fast anyways and won't help you against cautious people.


Size Matters Not: The massively increased cooldown timer is not an option. Extra HP from Feel the Force card don't count into the regeneration pool.

Using this card cripples the key elements of Yoda, his dynamic gameplay, and turns it into a boring waiting game like waiting until Anakin's magnet refreshes in order to be able to engage in combat again.


Lightsaber Mastery: Overall not needed - you need to force a fast victory against a saber user right away or die because Yoda's block is too unreliable, no matter how many attack stamina is left. Absorbing blaster shots doesn't drain much stamina either and there are still dash strikes to win time.


TL;DR: A lot of "sounds good, doesn't work" style cards. Same goes for Darth Maul.

Message 99 of 111 (2,062 Views)

Re: a dedicated post with tips and trix to think about

★ Guide

Kind of late, but anyways.

For the Assualt trooper I almost always have the toughen up Star card equipped. It’s saved my skin several times. 
One of the worst mistakes you can make in this game as a hero is going against a speeder, or rushing into combat when there are multiple enemies and you don’t have any crowd clearing abilities. 
speeders melt lightsaber heroes super fast. Like, don’t try it. 
Playing the objective is super important, not only will it get you battle points, but it could also lead to a potential victory. 
also, for BB-9E, since he such a lower stun than BB8, you have to be careful. With him, troopers are your best friends. It’s always best to have some support when going against hordes, which isn’t BB-9E’s strength.

also, starfighters are super important. Only strafe on the objectives, like an ion disrupter holder, or an important area. Regular troops are also fine to shoot. Just don’t go for heroes, that’s rude and mean. They have no means of fighting back. 

Message 100 of 111 (1,987 Views)