The Great Recruitment Thread

by FearfulWarpII

Original Post

The Great Recruitment Thread

[ Edited ]
Champion (Retired)

The Great Battlefront II Recruitment Thread

— Last updated January 27, 2021 —


”How did you do it? Defeat an empire with almost nothing?”

”We had each other. That’s how we won.”

- Poe Dameron and Lando Calrissian


Welcome to the Great Recruitment Thread! Be it individual, group or clan, all your recruitment posts may go here so they don’t get lost in the other threads. I in particular am not looking for a group to play with right now.


For those wanting to join, PM the user who posted the recruitment thread!


This following section will be updated for every new clan recruitment posted here. Oh, and be sure to PM me if you have already listed one and I haven’t noticed! I’ll update the section ASAP.


Clan Recruitments:

Message 1 of 39 (33,346 Views)

Re: The Great Recruitment Thread

★★★ Pro
I would of joined you
But I was playing OT supremacy and didn't see this lol
Message 2 of 39 (33,283 Views)

Re: The Great Recruitment Thread

[ Edited ]
Champion (Retired)

@ToddyRocket1As you can tell, I was inspired by the recruitment threads and this comment to start a recruitment mega thread. So that they won’t get lost.


Maybe when I come out of my break 😉

Message 3 of 39 (33,273 Views)

Re: The Great Recruitment Thread

★★★ Pro
It's getting harder to get ot supremacy games
Message 4 of 39 (33,267 Views)

Re: The Great Recruitment Thread

Champion (Retired)
@ToddyRocket1 It’s getting harder to find even co-op games, I NEED to finish prestige BB-9e and Boba. I still want my trooper fix!
Message 5 of 39 (33,259 Views)

Re: The Great Recruitment Thread

★★★ Pro
Yea I know
I try at different peak times in different regions
What I hate is when the lobby starts filling up and then people drop out
Then it keeps going like that for ages
10 needed 15 needed and so on
They should shrink the amount to start these games
Everyone stays in a game if it's going
But people hate waiting for them to fill up and start
Message 6 of 39 (33,252 Views)

Re: The Great Recruitment Thread

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

Mesa Just looking for some people to stomp hvv lobbies.... Not necessarily a clan and I don't enjoy being bombarded with battlefront 2 invites when I am playing a different game. I've gotten requests from random people with whom I stomped some lobbies and that’s really it. Psn soapy_catuses

Message 7 of 39 (33,182 Views)

Re: The Great Recruitment Thread

★★★★ Pro

@soapy_catusesUS or EU player?

Message 8 of 39 (33,173 Views)

Re: The Great Recruitment Thread

★★★★★ Guide
@TRlALON Us,Virginia ping
Message 9 of 39 (33,172 Views)

Re: The Great Recruitment Thread

★★★★ Pro

@soapy_catusesPlaying on US servers is halfway acceptable for me when playing HvH. With heroes like Bossk. Regardless, I experience a lot of weird things there.

Screw every attempt of mine to play infantry modes there.


Message 10 of 39 (33,159 Views)