Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

by nichiggy491

Original Post

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

★★★ Pro


Lol kidding 

Message 91 of 114 (2,539 Views)

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

★★ Guide
@XxDeepDiveJrxX They'll do their job well, I guarantee that. I mean, I am after all their gene donor, and I am a superior specimen. I'm a bounty hunter called Jango Fett and I was hired by Dooku and Palpatine to make this army in secret to overthrow the Republic. Whoops!

*credits roll*

Also watch out for that Ani kid.
Message 92 of 114 (2,497 Views)

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

★★ Pro
@ToddyRocket1 Ah, but you see, there are no upvotes, only XP - no cyber bullying with down voting here, child friendly!
Message 93 of 114 (2,461 Views)

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

★★★ Pro
I know
Just wanted to use gif
Message 94 of 114 (2,433 Views)

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

★★★★★ Guide

@ShrivTheDuros  I believe I recognize your old username. 

Message 95 of 114 (2,387 Views)

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

★★★★★ Guide


Obi Wan: *visible confusion intensifies*

Message 96 of 114 (2,203 Views)

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

★★ Guide

I’m looking for some Xbox one players to play with.If anyone’s interested just message me on Xbox.

Message 97 of 114 (2,182 Views)

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

★★ Guide
@Commander_Ney0 It's why Jango didn't get a skin.
Message 98 of 114 (2,175 Views)

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

★★★ Newbie

sorry i cant figure out how to comment on here without hitting reply. But Im on PC and im looking for some people or a community to group up with and play together. I just really started playing the game.

Message 99 of 114 (2,133 Views)

Re: Welcome everybody to the new forums tell us about yourself

Champion (Retired)
@nichiggy491 Welcome to the Battlefront, trooper! I’ll make a Great Big Looking For Group/Clan thread so if one wants to squad up with you, or if one wants to join a clan, people can PM you and play! If I would like to play? Sorry, I’m pretty busy at the moment. Big stuff coming next month and my PC isn’t that good.

Sorta like the Galaxy of Heroes forums, where players looking for guilds can PM the OP of the recruitment post
Message 100 of 114 (2,128 Views)