[Resolved] SWBF II Missing Progress After May The 4th Update

by EA_Shepard

Original Post

Lost account progress

★★★ Newbie

The characters are locked and I had them also my progress is gone now

Message 60 of 205 (713 Views)

Re: Lost account progress

★★★ Newbie

thats cuz ea dont know how to keep servers up and stable when they know the game will blow up on may 4th 

Message 61 of 205 (707 Views)

Progression Perdue

★★★★★ Newbie

J'ai perdu toute ma progression aujourd'hui, comment pourrais je faire pour tout récuperer.


Message 62 of 205 (875 Views)

Re: Lost account progress

★★★★★ Newbie
@redx136 Same here
Message 63 of 205 (854 Views)

Re: Lost account progress

★★★★★ Newbie
@CruiCraiceailte Was wondering the same thing… total bs on EA
Message 64 of 205 (908 Views)

Game cards/ hero’s villains 🔒

★★★★★ Newbie

Why is all my progress and hero’s/villians locked up. Dude it’s May 4 how EA gonna let this happen. Do better….

Message 65 of 205 (923 Views)

All progress reset

★★ Novice

All of my Star Cards are locked, Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Grevious,  Anakin Skywalker and Count Dooku aren't available and all of my credits/crystals have been wiped...

Message 66 of 205 (900 Views)

Swbf2 account progress missing may 4th 2024

★★★ Newbie
  • Platform (or client): PS5
  • EA ID (PSN ID/Gamertag): Groovyddc04
  • Are you getting an error message? No
  • Are you missing specific progress or has your account reset? Yes , credits are all gone. Cards and characters were gone but they came back after I uploaded a save from a couple of days ago. Now they are locked again. 
  • If possible, share a Screenshot or Clip... I added two pictures to show what I am describing 
Message 67 of 205 (1,613 Views)

Re: I lost all my progress for Star Wars Battlefront II

★★★★★ Newbie

mine as well all of my in-game currency is gone and my weapons are locked so I can't use them and obi-wan, Anakin, grievous, and Count Dooku are locked even though I have unlocked them A lot of other people are reporting the same problem as well 

Message 68 of 205 (590 Views)

Re: Heroes locked

★★★ Newbie
@twisted_wave7 HOW DO WE FIX THIS
Message 69 of 205 (1,106 Views)