Cheaters broke my abilities!

by xxsilverstreakxx

Original Post

Cheaters broke my abilities!

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

I need help. I entered a HVV match and encountered cheaters. They messed with my spawn place and turned OFF my abilities.
My abilities now work very badly, they deactivate before they should, so in one word they are now BUGGED.
Should I redownload the game to get clear files? Redownloading takes a lot of time.
I am in shock a cheater was able to mess up MY game and ALTER my files or something somehow.
This is out of hand, they are causing me to run uncessary laps with this game. I will try and find the cheater by name.
I am trying to repair the game in the meantime. I was basically a target for these three cheaters alone after I have denounced their methods. They were using the "Noobmaster cheatpack" as others would refer to it, it lets them fly around, edit game code. If anyone has any idea how to protect myself from these attacks, please share with me. Also some detector program would come in handy by Ea, the cheaters bypass Fair Fight. I should conclude that this fine product of a game is sadly in danger...

Message 1 of 2 (242 Views)

Re: Cheaters broke my abilities!


I haven't heard that cheaters can change your abilities.


What specific abilities do you believe have been changed and when did you first notice it? There was an issue a few weeks back that impacted abilities for everyone.


"they deactivate before they should" - Have you confirmed star cards are not missing that extend times for abilities?

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Message 2 of 2 (195 Views)