[Resolved] SWBF II Missing Progress After May The 4th Update

by EA_Shepard

Original Post

Star Cards, heroes and villains locked and reset to level 1

★★★ Newbie

My star cards weapons heroes and villains have all been locked and reset. Even tho I’m level 30-75 in most of the categories, how do I fix it ?

Message 40 of 205 (591 Views)

Lost all progress

★★★ Newbie

Gess this is what happens when you aren't paying EA enough money, I mean i already bought the season pass. What else can I buy oh EAsteinberg too restore my progress back.

Message 41 of 205 (618 Views)

Re: Lost all progress

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Hey, this has just happened to me too. I have only had the game for about a month. Does this mean i need to purchase something each month to keep my character progressing?


(cm edit removed language)

Message 42 of 205 (623 Views)

Missing skins and cards

★★★ Newbie

content missing in Star Wars Battlefront 2

Message 43 of 205 (598 Views)

Battlefront 2 content wipe

★★★ Newbie

Just lost all of my credits, crystals and now can’t use anakin, kenobi, grievous or dooku, been playing for a year and a half and am gold in 2 of these characters, what am I supposed to do?

Message 44 of 205 (876 Views)

Re: Battlefront 2 content wipe

★★★★ Novice

Same.  i wonder if someone has hacked it or something.

Message 45 of 205 (856 Views)

Re: Batllefront 2 not working

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

Wales here. Same.  I will try it again Monday.


Message 46 of 205 (601 Views)

Re: Battlefront 2 content wipe

★ Novice
@AGorgeousMan I restarted console. Some things came back for a while then disappeared next round
Message 47 of 205 (846 Views)

Re: Heroes locked

★★★ Newbie

This also happened again on May 4th, (May the 4th be with you). The exact same problem occurred. The only difference now is that all general classes have a bug in equipping and unlocking cards. All the weapons are locked too having the player use the starter weapon. This sucks Frown

Message 48 of 205 (2,216 Views)

Re: Battlefront 2 content wipe

★★★ Newbie

Same issue....


max level with locked cards and guns...


high level heroes with locked cards too..


locked heroes too, anakin, dooku...

Message 49 of 205 (801 Views)