EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

by ToddyRocket1

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EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro


Are we Getting a new Battlefront game in the near future. 

Just want a honest answer from someone at EA that would like to answer this question. 

I'm not talking about tomorrow but I'm also not talking about 5 years down the road.

Help me AHQ your my only Hope😉😇

Message 1 of 14 (3,026 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

★★★ Pro

Time for a New Starwars game. 

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Message 5 of 14 (2,694 Views)

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Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

★★★ Guide

@ToddyRocket1  I can’t speak for EA but if I had to guess given everything that’s on the table now; I’d say no. At least not from EA / DICE.


EA’s exclusivity contract expires in 2023 and the next “big” SW project is due to be released by Ubisoft. Further, the overall feedback for BF 2 & Squadrons is pretty poor.


I wouldn’t expect EA to be able to answer that question at this point. 

Even if EA were the carrying publisher that’s no guarantee that DICE would be behind development. 

Too much up in the air for anyone to answer that I think. If it were up to the gaming community I think we’d all be happy to see another developer & publisher behind the next SW games. 

Message 2 of 14 (2,920 Views)

Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

★ Apprentice

I still feel like EA should announce something about whether a sequel is being or will be worked on. As I would rather know if we are getting sequel than wait around without any word on what is happening. I mean it has been radio silence for an exceptionally long time and I'm getting a bit fed up waiting for information. the truth is if they are going to have a new Battlefront game at all it will probably be after the release of Battlefield 2042 as I think they have all hand on deck for their current project which I believe is nearing completion.

Message 3 of 14 (2,830 Views)

Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

★★★ Guide
@ToddyRocket1 I guess, but hoping it's not a casual pew pew where Yoda gets 2 blocking abilities, a Luke Skywalker that never tires, a Han Solo that knocks out blocking lightsaber heroes, and a support role Leia becomes a OP sniper/CQC killer. When heroes are limited to 1 per side, and the game is balanced enough so that the maps are not bottlenecks then we'll talk.
Message 4 of 14 (2,771 Views)

Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

★★★ Pro

Time for a New Starwars game. 

Message 5 of 14 (2,695 Views)

Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

★★ Apprentice

Agree with ya 100%, Gotta love the communication. Yeah we do need a new battlefront, but an actual battlefront, meaning a 3rd person shooter game that’s balanced with limited heroes. And to those coming in with go play cod of BField I say to you, go play overwatch or For Honer, never mind, those take actual skill, my bad. I really hope with get something other than lame remakes of ROG’s unless it’s a giant open world Skyrim type. 

Message 6 of 14 (2,656 Views)

Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

★★★ Guide

@xProdicate The large open world type is what, I believe, we’re getting from Ubi / Massive so that’s “on the way” so to speak.


as for another BF title; yeah, I would like that too but I have little to no faith in DICE or EA to do it unless they can wise up and get back to basics. 

BF 2015 would be a much better starting point. We don’t need poorly thought out mechanics that erode gameplay value. Of course you’re going to have to feature key characters (like heroes & villains) but you don’t have to build your game modes where they’re featured in an imbalanced way. 

DICE & EA really got full of themselves and believed themselves to be on a level that BF 2 proved that they clearly weren’t at. 

if we are to get a BF 3 game I still hope it’s another studio OR that DICE & EA get their heads out of the sand and learn something and stop making 101 level mistakes. 

Message 7 of 14 (2,649 Views)

Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

★★★ Guide
@VetteC5RX 100% agreed with you...Take the core mechanics of Battlefront 2015 like the class free system, 1 vs 1 heroes in bigger game modes, balance the starfighter combat and make it like Squadrons, etc. Another balacing is to prevent jumpackers from carrying heavy loadouts like heavy repeating blasters like the DLT-19 and all it's variants, as well as the T-21 and all it's variants. Return the scatter shotgun able to penetrate any type of shield. Return the special perk cards like Berserker, scout, etc. Not so much for escape artist because it can be broken.

I have been a huge supporter of the soft lock ability for starfighters as this mechanic was better than what they did with Battlefront 2's starfighter aiming in the circle deal which was inbalanced and broken as hell.

I have no love for anything Battlefront 2 because the game is so broken and inbalanced. Despite that, I still play Battlefront 2015 because it feels like a Star Wars game.
Message 8 of 14 (2,586 Views)

Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

[ Edited ]
★★ Apprentice

If only people would understand that sequel is not the only way to fix a broken game… That’s why I love indie games with years of support and fixes. EA dropped support of all their Star Wars games. Probably to sell another one in the future… if it happen, I’m not gonna buy.


Battlefront 2015 is a great game. I love the Rogue One expansion. I just wish they could have continued support the game and fix the broken spawn on some maps. Battlefront 2 customization is bad and pretty unbalanced with heroes everywhere.



Message 9 of 14 (2,569 Views)

Re: EA are we getting a new Battlefront game in the near future.?

★ Pro

No, I don't want an another Battlefront game being made by DICE and EA, they had two chances and they failed(can't believe many people still trust in EA after this) so  it's an no from me and I will not spend my money again to EA for an another Battlefront made by this company and I hope others will do the same if they fail again.


Seriously, it will be better that an another company with passion and ambition will make the next Battlefront game because we deserve better honestly. Besides, I doubt that Battlefront III will be made by DICE due to time constraints(the contract expires in 2023) so it makes little time for DICE to produce the game. and it will no be different than Battlefront II and I: if DICE will produce Battlefront III, it will be rushed and will be incomplete at launch again.


So no, I don't want the next Battlefront to be made by DICE, I want an another company to make the next Battlefront game!!!  I will simply play Battlefront II with mods from now on I just need a new PC because my actual one is pretty bad, I will play split screen on Battlefront I with my friend and play the old Battlefront games made by Pandemic Studios on my Xbox One.

Message 10 of 14 (2,415 Views)