Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

by CoIonoscapy

Original Post

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Novice

The hackers are there to carry you because you can't win games against regular battlefront 2 players. Do you really think anyone you deem to be "stream sniping" and "trolls" to be badly affecting more than the hackers who ruin/break lobbies? 

Message 31 of 49 (407 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★ Guide
@CoIonoscapy I think I'll be able to play/stream the game in peace and have very little issues with people like you exploiting the poor security measures EA has taken to protect the players experience.
Message 32 of 49 (406 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★ Guide
@CoIonoscapy Absolutely incorrect. This has nothing to do with my self esteem for winning a game. I confirm every single time whether or not people stream snipe. Give up the hunt because you aren't gonna do anything about my existence.
Message 33 of 49 (404 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★ Guide
@BF2_GOD1829381 As a matter of fact, no its not. That would be Kobe. Why are you blaming me for his actions? Blame yourselves for attracting this to the community
Message 34 of 49 (402 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Novice

Doesn't seem like you are playing in peace while you complain and cry about so called stream snipers.

Message 35 of 49 (401 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Novice

So please respond to why you play with hackers then. If not for winning games or self esteem what do you gain from it? Also you call out randoms who are toxic in general and people who are in your game more than once to be stream snipers. 

Message 36 of 49 (368 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★ Newbie

No, you misunderstand! I ALREADY know that is Kobe DDOSSING the servers live on Twitch, I was asking if that account that is moderator in his stream is you. Are you not twitch tv/ctownladiesman???

Message 37 of 49 (354 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

We aren't supposed to blame you for the actions of your "greatest weapon"? If someone kills a person with a knife, it's the killer's fault, not the knife's


Message 38 of 49 (349 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Newbie

He wouldnt be doing it if it wernt for you *


Message 39 of 49 (330 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★ Guide
@SYSK-Destructo Incorrect. There have been hackers since day 1. Kobe was hacking long before this whole situation of anti C-town haters decided to unionize against me and my community. Shame on you and your group
Message 40 of 49 (322 Views)