Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

by 91comet91

Original Post

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★ Apprentice

This messages (in attached screenshots) appears in 'Galactic Assault', and after that a cinematic camera starting flies through the whole map - that is happening today, May 4th in most lobbys

Message 11 of 49 (770 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★ Newbie

lost all my data starcards got locked and wiped

Message 12 of 49 (762 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Novice

I knew a Barry once, Is this Barry the bot? If it is 10010011011 if not, glad see EA is keeping some people around, though would prefer coders and programmers (no offense) over forum managers.

Message 13 of 49 (744 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Apprentice

star date 5/6/2024, servers dont work proerply yet again, blix is still running around and ea is lost 

Message 14 of 49 (686 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★ Novice

The approach of treating each hacker as a unique bad actor is utterly absurd and shows EA doesn't care at all about solving the problem.


The hacking is possible purely because the production version of the game has development (debug) code inside of it. The flying characters, the global match messages visible to both teams, etc. -- these are all features used by developers.


Anyone who's managed any reasonably sized software engineering project understands that you just don't do this. You have QA/testing builds, and you have the production build. You simply don't include any development/debug related code in the production version of the game. Then nobody can use that functionality to hack anything.


So what's happening in threads like this is EA's support agents are simply placating the players by asking for hackers to be reported. If anyone at EA actually cared, the problem would be solved in no time on the CI/CD pipeline level. But it hasn't been, and reporting individual hackers won't change that.

Message 15 of 49 (672 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Pro

they are the one that are probably cause all the problems right now in the game

Message 16 of 49 (610 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Apprentice

same tonight, the fix for starcards is nothing when no lobby is hackfree

Message 17 of 49 (564 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Pro

our favorite fake admint strikes again @EA_Barry you guys need to get on this. this will kill the game for sure if it keep going on. its a phase skip hack and other thing in it to2.jpg

Message 18 of 49 (524 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★ Apprentice
@91comet91 It's horrible. I periodically play in this mode as well, as if it wasn't interesting to hacker-cheaters (since I've never seen them there), but now it suffers from them.
@EA_Barry hacker-cheaters just enter the lobby, break the game script and leave the lobby (while the lobby is not restored, it continues to be broken) - their nicknames are unknown, who should we send reports to on your advice?
Message 19 of 49 (509 Views)

Re: DO SOMETHING - unplayable EVERY lobby is infested w hackers (BLIX et al)

★★★★★ Newbie

Still happening just happend again just now while is was playing. Just kicks everyone out of the server.

Message 20 of 49 (381 Views)