Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

by PrplPnk

Original Post

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

update: go the game work for whatever reason. quite happy but no the approval notifications of cassandra are gone have to figure out whats the reason cause i couldn't find anything helpful (like nearly always)

Message 31 of 33 (1,387 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

★★★ Newbie

Thanks for the quick fix.  I have 150 hours into my first character, and wanted to finish some of the DLC with her... of course my game is mod'd but I haven't played in so long I didn't want to even start playing with all that.  I opened the patch file and increase the version by 1 and it worked!  

Message 32 of 33 (1,019 Views)

Re: Can't load save, says I need latest patch, but I do have latest patch

★★★★ Novice

Yeah, nothing is working for me. Changing Patch version to various numbers above 12, still errors. Using the Mod Manager and unchecking all mods and Merging or whatever, still errors. Guess that save (and all before it) are now useless. My punishment for trying to "move" my DA collection to Steam, I suppose. Frown

Message 33 of 33 (123 Views)