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Diversity & equality in business

  • Women in Football sign at Wembley.

    Women's football
    Data shows 89% of women in football industry experience discrimination

  • Four smartly-dressed female BBC news presenters walk side by side in a London street

    BBC presenter Martine Croxall returns to screen after bringing tribunal claim

    Croxall has sued corporation for discrimination along with three other female senior journalists
  • A roomful of people working in the arts

    Class issues
    Fewer than one in 10 arts workers in UK have working-class roots

    The cultural sector falls short on other measures of diversity too, with 9o% of workers white, says new report
  • Black woman in crowd wearing matching red T-shirts.

    US income inequality
    ‘We deserve more’: US workers’ share of the pie dwindles

  • Four women walk together along a pavement

    Tribunal excludes equal pay from female presenters’ claim against BBC

  • Francesca Amewudah-Rivers

    Online abuse
    ‘Too much to bear’: Black actors condemn racial abuse of Romeo & Juliet star

  • The Cocoa School of Journalism and Creative Arts in Beckenham, south London

    Journalism education
    New journalism school in London sets out to improve diversity

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In depth

  • man and woman in office meeting one on one

    ‘HR is not your friend’: why frustrated workers are hiring reps of their own

  • a multiple exposure, elevated view of high rise financial buildings in the City of London illuminated at dusk

    Sexism in the City: ‘No matter how hard I work, they will never ever recognise me’

  • Workers dressed in red picket in Las Vegas.

    US unions target the housing affordability crisis as their ‘biggest issue’

  • Kiley Reid

    ‘Money runs our lives’: novelist Kiley Reid on education, excess and what makes us squirm

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Opinion & analysis

  • Lucy Webster

    There should be over 100 disabled MPs, but there are barely any. UK politics has a huge accessibility problem

    Lucy Webster
  • Stefan Stern

    The world has changed. So why do businessmen still think they can harass women at work parties?

    Stefan Stern
  • The Duke and Duchess of Sussex wearing woolly hats and smiling in Whistler, Canada.

    Kardashian, Beckham, Sussex: every name tells a story but it’s up to you to draw the conclusion

    Tomiwa Owolade
    Pontins allegedly used names to compile a list of ‘undesirable guests’, while other appellations are lucrative brands. My advice is to withhold judgment
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