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Portrait of CP Scott
Comment is free…
but facts are sacred
CP Scott, 1921 Guardian editor
  • CostOfLivingHacks2pixie Dickensian dogs, one pickpocketing the other

    Cozzie livs! It’s out of control, what can we do? Here are some terrible ideas!

    First Dog on the Moon
  • A young disabled woman in a wheelchair at home, seen from behind

    The uproar over the NDIS and sex work shows society still struggles to see disabled people as sexual beings

    Clem Bastow and Ali Schnabel
    Puritanical attitudes that infantilise adults are dehumanising – and they can be dangerous, too
  • doubles pickleball

    Despite not involving eating pickles, pickleball proves to be a joyful surprise

    Nova Weetman
    While playing decent tennis requires a certain degree of skill, this feels like a simpler game to master
  • 240711 NATO thumbnail

    Who’s the elephant in the room at the Nato summit?

    Fiona Katauskas
  • Imogen Adams plays on a snow-covered playground in Nimmitabel, NSW, Thursday, June 10, 2021. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

    Why don’t children seem to feel the cold like adults do?

    Charlotte Phelps and Christian Moro
  • Workers in Sydney

    Why neither growth nor degrowth make sense as long-term objectives for Australia’s economy

    John Quiggin
  • ProtestLaws2024pixie lump of coal with panicked look

    Protesting stuff is your democratic right – or is it?

    First Dog on the Moon
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  • Greg Jericho

    Greg Jericho
    As the Coalition goes nuclear, Labor is free to ensure fossil fuels are burned with abandon and little scrutiny

    Greg Jericho
    How can Australia get to net zero by 2050 while approving projects that will run for decades beyond that date?
  • Van Badham

    Van Badham
    Brits, you have no idea how to be sun safe. But as an Australian, I can tell you exactly what to do

    Van Badham
  • Ranjana Srivastava

    Ranjana Srivastava
    As my patient was dying, this is how we failed her

    Ranjana Srivastava
  • Paul Daley
    The kindness of strangers isn’t always obvious but it can be delightfully disarming

    Paul Daley
  • Karen Middleton
    Andrew Giles on celebrating and defending multiculturalism – Australian Politics Podcast

  • Peter Lewis
    Guardian Essential report: do voters want Peter Dutton’s nuclear power plants? – Australian Politics podcast

  • Lenore Taylor
    Newsroom edition: why anti-protest laws won’t stop climate activists – Full Story podcast


  • 240712 Generative AI office thumbnail

    What’s generative AI really generating? Just ask these tech bros

  • 240709 Climate scientists' lament thumbnail

    Why does being right on climate feel so wrong?

  • Rules Of Multicuralism pixie

    The unwritten rules of multiculturalism as explained by an older white man

  • 240706 Never Ending Tory thumbnail

    After the UK general election, is it really the end of the Tory story?

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Indigenous Australia

  • Supporters at the Yes to Marriage Equality Rally in Adelaide

    History shows Australian laws have left minorities marginalised. A Human Rights Act would help fix that

    Michael Kirby
  • Paul Daley

    One exclusive Australian institution is facing up to its deeply racist past while another backs away from it

    Paul Daley
  • Paul Daley

    Biographers, resharpen your pencils! The University of Melbourne’s shameful history of racism awaits

    Paul Daley
  • Holding hands of an elderly person

    As a palliative care worker, I want a better conversation about health inequality

    Freia Lily
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World view

  • Sir Keir Starmer holds a press conference at the end of the Nato summit at the Walter E Washington Convention Center, in Washington DC.

    The Guardian view on Labour in power: the party must deliver for its MPs, members and voters

  • The Terminal 1 installation at the 2024 Glastonbury festival.

    The Guardian view on visas for artists: a flawed system with serious consequences for art

    • Keir Starmer

      The arrogant, reckless Tory government left behind a mountain of mess. In one week, we’ve begun to clear it

      Keir Starmer
    • Martin Rowson on Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s race for the White House – cartoon

      Martin Rowson on Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s race for the White House – cartoon

    • Jonathan Freedland

      Gareth Southgate has proved that quiet competence can lift a nation – it’s a lesson that goes far beyond sport

      Jonathan Freedland
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