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Running a Go App in Kubernetes:
CPU Impacts
Teiva Harsanyi
SRE at Google
Teiva Harsanyi
SRE at Google
■ SRE in the Borg ML team
■ 100 Go Mistakes author —
● K8s is not straightforward, it's easy to be wrong
● Unveil some Go & k8s complexity
● Discuss the impacts of running a Go app inside k8s
—focus on CPU
Core Concepts
Go and k8s Scheduler, GOMAXPROCS
Go Scheduling
3 key components:
■ G: Goroutine
■ M: OS thread (machine)
■ P: CPU core (processor)
Main actors:
■ OS scheduler: assigns an M on a P
■ Go scheduler: assigns a G on an M
M1 (runnable)
G - executing
G - runnable
go f()
Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core
G - executing
G - runnable
Step 1
G - executing
Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core
G - executing
LRQ1 G - waiting
Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core
G - executing
G - executing
G - executing
G - runnable
Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core
Step 2
G - executing
G - runnable
Step 3
Work stealing
Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core
Step 2
G - executing
G - executing
Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core
Step 5 Network polling
Step 3
No goroutine,
what's next?
Step 4
Variable that defines the number of M (OS threads) that can execute
user-level Go code simultaneously
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(8) // Set GOMAXPROCS to 8
n := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) // Get the current value of GOMAXPROCS
■ If an M is blocked, the Go scheduler can spin up more Ms
■ The GC derives the limit of how much CPU it should consume from GOMAXPROCS
k8s Deployment Config
- name: img
image: img:latest
cpu: "2000m" <--- Guaranteed minimum amount of CPU
cpu: "4000m" <--- Maximum amount of CPU resources
k8s Scheduler
k8s uses Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) as a process scheduler
Two main parameters:
■ cpu.cfs_period_us: Period (set to 100 ms by default)
■ cpu.cfs_quota_us: The amount of CPU time the app can consume during the defined
Example: if the resources.limits.cpu is set to 2000m (= 2 cores) => 2x100 = 200 ms
=> Each period of 100 ms, the app can consume up to 200 ms of CPU resource
Wait... What’s the default value of GOMAXPROCS?
Equal to runtime.NumCPU(), the number of CPU cores
4 CPU-Core Machine spec:
cpu: 1000m
=> In this situation, will GOMAXPROCS be equal to 4 or to 1?
It will be equal to 4, Go isn’t CFS-aware (
Scenario Kubernetes
Load tester HTTP
cpu: 1000m
cpu: 1000m
4 CPU-Core Machine
CPU-bound App
~50 ms
Let's benchmark this scenario with:
Why? rps < 20
Quota: 100 ms
Used: 99 ms ✅
100 ms period
Quota: 100 ms
Used: 86 ms ✅
100 ms period
Quota: 100 ms
Used: 90 ms ✅
Core 0
Core 1
Core 2
Core 3
100 ms period
Why? rps >= 20
Quota: 100 ms
Used: 100 ms ❌
Core 0
Core 1
Core 2
Core 3
100 ms period
Quota: 100 ms
Used: 100 ms ❌
100 ms period
Quota: 100 ms
Used: 100 ms ❌
100 ms period
Is the solution to remove the limit?
Yes, in most cases
Main drawbacks:
■ May increase latency variance
■ Be careful in some specific conditions;
For example, if a workload has direct
correlation between CPU and memory
usage, watch out to OOMs
Main benefit:
■ A workload can use all the idle
CPU in the node
At Google?
■ We do have CPU limits
■ Not set manually, the CPU limit is recalculated each time a job is
rescheduled onto different machine
■ GOMAXPROCS is also set automatically depending on the CPU limit
■ Be aware that Go isn't CFS-aware
■ GOMAXPROCS should reflect the available compute parallelism
■ Be careful with k8s CPU limits
■ Benchmarks for the win
Teiva Harsanyi
Thank you! Let’s connect.

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Running a Go App in Kubernetes: CPU Impacts

  • 1. HOSTED BY Running a Go App in Kubernetes: CPU Impacts Teiva Harsanyi SRE at Google
  • 2. Teiva Harsanyi SRE at Google ■ SRE in the Borg ML team ■ 100 Go Mistakes author —
  • 3. Introduction ● K8s is not straightforward, it's easy to be wrong ● Unveil some Go & k8s complexity ● Discuss the impacts of running a Go app inside k8s —focus on CPU
  • 4. Core Concepts Go and k8s Scheduler, GOMAXPROCS
  • 5. Go Scheduling 3 key components: ■ G: Goroutine ■ M: OS thread (machine) ■ P: CPU core (processor) Main actors: ■ OS scheduler: assigns an M on a P ■ Go scheduler: assigns a G on an M
  • 6. M1 (runnable) P0 M0 LRQ0 GRQ G - executing P1 LRQ1 G - runnable go f() Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core
  • 7. P0 M0 LRQ0 GRQ G - executing P1 M1 LRQ1 G - runnable Step 1 1/61 G - executing Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core
  • 8. P0 M0 LRQ0 GRQ G - executing P1 M1 LRQ1 G - waiting Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core G - executing
  • 9. P0 M0 LRQ0 GRQ G - executing P1 M1 LRQ1 G - executing G - runnable Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core Step 2
  • 10. P0 M0 LRQ0 GRQ G - executing P1 M1 LRQ1 G - runnable Step 3 Work stealing Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core Step 2 G - executing
  • 11. P0 M0 LRQ0 GRQ G - executing P1 M1 LRQ1 Go Scheduling G: goroutine, M: OS thread, P: CPU core Step 5 Network polling Step 3 No goroutine, what's next? Step 4
  • 12. GOMAXPROCS Variable that defines the number of M (OS threads) that can execute user-level Go code simultaneously runtime.GOMAXPROCS(8) // Set GOMAXPROCS to 8 n := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) // Get the current value of GOMAXPROCS Notes: ■ If an M is blocked, the Go scheduler can spin up more Ms ■ The GC derives the limit of how much CPU it should consume from GOMAXPROCS
  • 13. k8s Deployment Config spec: containers: - name: img image: img:latest resources: requests: cpu: "2000m" <--- Guaranteed minimum amount of CPU resources limits: cpu: "4000m" <--- Maximum amount of CPU resources
  • 14. k8s Scheduler k8s uses Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) as a process scheduler Two main parameters: ■ cpu.cfs_period_us: Period (set to 100 ms by default) ■ cpu.cfs_quota_us: The amount of CPU time the app can consume during the defined period Example: if the resources.limits.cpu is set to 2000m (= 2 cores) => 2x100 = 200 ms => Each period of 100 ms, the app can consume up to 200 ms of CPU resource
  • 15. Wait... What’s the default value of GOMAXPROCS? Equal to runtime.NumCPU(), the number of CPU cores GOMAXPROCS Kubernetes 4 CPU-Core Machine spec: resources: limits: cpu: 1000m App => In this situation, will GOMAXPROCS be equal to 4 or to 1? It will be equal to 4, Go isn’t CFS-aware (
  • 17. Scenario Kubernetes Load tester HTTP spec: resources: requests: cpu: 1000m limits: cpu: 1000m 4 CPU-Core Machine CPU-bound App ~50 ms Let's benchmark this scenario with: ■ GOMAXPROCS = 1 ■ GOMAXPROCS = 4
  • 19. Why? rps < 20 Quota: 100 ms Used: 99 ms ✅ 100 ms period 28 ms 53 ms 18 ms Quota: 100 ms Used: 86 ms ✅ 100 ms period 19 ms 17 ms 25 ms 25 ms Quota: 100 ms Used: 90 ms ✅ Core 0 Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 100 ms period 25 ms 28 ms 19 ms 18 ms GOMAXPROCS=4
  • 20. ... ... ... ... Why? rps >= 20 Throttling Throttling Throttling Throttling Quota: 100 ms Used: 100 ms ❌ 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms Core 0 Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 100 ms period Throttling Throttling Throttling Throttling Quota: 100 ms Used: 100 ms ❌ 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms 100 ms period Throttling Throttling Throttling Throttling Quota: 100 ms Used: 100 ms ❌ 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms 100 ms period GOMAXPROCS=4
  • 21. Solution Is the solution to remove the limit? Yes, in most cases Main drawbacks: ■ May increase latency variance ■ Be careful in some specific conditions; For example, if a workload has direct correlation between CPU and memory usage, watch out to OOMs Main benefit: ■ A workload can use all the idle CPU in the node
  • 22. At Google? ■ We do have CPU limits ■ Not set manually, the CPU limit is recalculated each time a job is rescheduled onto different machine ■ GOMAXPROCS is also set automatically depending on the CPU limit
  • 24. Conclusion ■ Be aware that Go isn't CFS-aware ■ GOMAXPROCS should reflect the available compute parallelism ■ Be careful with k8s CPU limits ■ Benchmarks for the win