As with the past Ranger game, there are Field Abilities that most of the Pok�mon have. Primarily these are used to remove obstructions or solve puzzles. However, there are several in which have an effect on the overworld without destroying obstacles. Usually, these can only be used in specific areas when a ? comes above your character's head. These are the abilities:

Dark Power

Available only in the special mission obtained over WiFi, you will have access to Darkrai's Dark Power when you reach the end of the mission. It only has one simple use and that is to create a void. This void sucks in everything near them and drops them off elsewhere

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-257 Darkrai Dark Dark Power Dark


In numerous places, you will discover a darkened room. In these dark rooms, you cannot call upon your other Pok�mon in order to use their assists. Knowing this, nearby will be a Pok�mon that has Flash as their ability. Bring them to the room and use their ability and the room shall light up to allow you to progress

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-071 Electabuzz Electric Flash Electric


Fly works the same as it does in all other Pok�mon games. Once you reach the point in which you can use it, Staraptor will be found all over Almia. Capture them and then at any point when you're outside, you can select Staraptor to fly you to any of the cities or specific landmarks

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-025 Staraptor Flying Fly Flying


Stink a simple enough effect. Used in a cave, you have to make Skuntank release it in order to clear the room of Team Dim Sun grunts so you can progress ahead. It can only be used in that area however

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-145 Skuntank Poison Stink Poison

Air Lift

Air Lifting can only be done when theres a hole in the ground pushing you over. Select Drifloon when standing on one of these spots and it will grab you and carry you over to the next platform

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-142 Drifloon Ghost Air Lift Ghost

Magma Flow

In caves under volcanoes, there are many lava rivers. This requires you to need another form of transport. As such, if you find Pok�mon such as Torkoal nearby, you can ride on it over the lava to get to your destination

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-224 Torkoal Fire Magma Flow Fire

Rain Dance

In certain areas, you will need to let a lot of water come down, to stop fires spreading for example. With this, bring a rain dancing Pok�mon and it will bring rain down, putting out all the fires

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-013 Blastoise Water Rain Dance Water


After a certain point in the game, you will find Doduo dotted about throughout Almia. Capture them and then you can ride them through Almia. However, you cannot enter caves or buildings. This does increase the speed in which you travel, so until you get Fly, its very handy to utilise

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-134 Doduo Normal Agility Normal


In a multi-levelled cave, you will discover various spotlights signifying you can go upwards. Get a Drifblim and utilise it here to move up to the next level

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-143 Drifblim Ghost Elevate Ghost

Sand Fill

At various points, you will discover a hole in the ground with some tiles in front of it. This signifies that you need to fill the hole. This is done by a field ability known by Hippowdon

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-247 Hippowdon Ground Sand Fill Ground

River Flow

River Flow is the only multiple levelled overworld field ability. With different levels allowing for different speed and strength to take out water obstacles. You will find several small platforms into the water throughout the game. Stand on these with a River Flowing Pok�mon in hand and select it. You can now River Flow along the water

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-056 Floatzel Water River Flow * 1 Water
R-208 Empoleon Water River Flow * 2 Water


Teleporting Pok�mon are found within caves. Capture them and select them in order to return back to the entrance of the cave

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-101 Espeon Psychic Teleport Psychic
R-158 Kirlia Psychic Teleport Psychic
R-165 Mr. Mime Psychic Teleport Psychic
R-184 Alakazam Psychic Teleport Psychic
R-205 Chingling Psychic Teleport Psychic
R-210 Jynx Psychic Teleport Psychic


When you've dived unerwater to search for an item, you will come across various areas that are too deep for you to swim over. Capture a Mantine and use its ability at various areas in order to be able to traverse these various underwater canyons

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-091 Mantine Water Swim Water


In some areas, you will be confronted with some dark fog or mist, some of which damages your Capture Styler. Nearby there should always be a Demisting Pok�mon, either inside a cave within the area or just flying about. Capture one and use its ability to permanently dispell the fog

Ranger No. Picture Name Group Field Ability Assist
R-189 Skarmory Steel Demist Steel

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