Free Paint

As you progress through the game, you will unlock a variety of templates from which you can draw a multitude of images. There are over 100 of these images at your disposal, but you start off with just a handful. In addition to this, you candownload new templates at a variety of times.

When you load up the template, you will see a quick step by step suggestion on how to draw the Pok�mon, but when you load up Free Paint mode with it, you will see the template on the top screen and have a variety of options. With each template, you have the ability to put several things on the canvas.
First, is the outline of the Pok�mon. This allows for you to accurately trace over the outline to get an accurate representation of the Pok�mon
Second, you get the construction shapes of the Pok�mon in the pose on the template. This allows you to have a bit more variety.
Finally, you can just have a blank canvas with the artwork on the top screen as reference.

In addition to this, you automatically get all the colours used in the template at your disposal without needing to bring up the colour wheel.


Free Paint Template List

Picture Pok�mon Unlock Method
PhotoEmolgaComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 1
PhotoTreeckoComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 1
PhotoPhanpyComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 1
PhotoMudkipComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 2
PhotoMakuhitaComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 2
PhotoPorygonComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 2
PhotoPanchamComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 3
PhotoEspeonComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 3
PhotoPatratComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 3
PhotoTotodileComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 4
PhotoBunnelbyComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 4
PhotoShinxComplete all mini-lessons in Novice Lesson 4
PhotoChespinComplete Novice Course
PhotoFennekinComplete Novice Course
PhotoFroakieComplete Novice Course
PhotoChikoritaComplete all mini-lessons in Apprentice Course 1
PhotoCyndaquilComplete all mini-lessons in Apprentice Course 1
PhotoMagikarpComplete all mini-lessons in Apprentice Course 1
PhotoMewComplete all mini-lessons in Apprentice Course 2
PhotoCroagunkComplete all mini-lessons in Apprentice Course 2
PhotoPsyduckComplete all mini-lessons in Apprentice Course 2
PhotoGogoatComplete all mini-lessons in Apprentice Course 3
PhotoVanilliteComplete all mini-lessons in Apprentice Course 3
PhotoPlusle & MinunComplete all mini-lessons in Apprentice Course 3
PhotoQuilladinComplete Apprentice Course
PhotoBraixenComplete Apprentice Course
PhotoFrogadierComplete Apprentice Course
PhotoRioluComplete all mini-lessons in Graduate Course 2
PhotoCharmeleonComplete all mini-lessons in Graduate Course 2
PhotoDeinoComplete all mini-lessons in Graduate Course 2
PhotoDedenneComplete all mini-lessons in Graduate Course 1
PhotoCubchooComplete all mini-lessons in Graduate Course 1
PhotoPikachu & PiplupComplete all mini-lessons in Graduate Course 1
PhotoGenesectComplete all mini-lessons in Graduate Course 3
PhotoTerrakionComplete all mini-lessons in Graduate Course 3
PhotoMega Charizard YComplete all mini-lessons in Graduate Course 3
PhotoStarter Pok�monComplete Graduate Course
PhotoChesnaughtComplete Graduate Course
PhotoDelphoxComplete Graduate Course
PhotoGreninjaComplete Graduate Course
PhotoXerneasComplete all lessons
PhotoYveltalComplete all lessons
PhotoMega Mewtwo XComplete all lessons
PhotoRaichuComplete the Bonus Lessons
PhotoWooperComplete the Bonus Lessons
PhotoSmeargleComplete the Bonus Lessons
PhotoPoliwhirlComplete all Quick Draw lessons
PhotoCelebiComplete all Quick Draw lessons
PhotoWobbuffetComplete all Quick Draw lessons
PhotoLeafeonComplete all main lessons
PhotoZoroarkComplete all main lessons
PhotoArceusComplete all main lessons
PhotoOshawottComplete Oshawott Novice Course Lesson
PhotoSquirtleComplete Squirtle Novice Course Lesson
PhotoChespinComplete Chespin Novice Course Lesson
PhotoTepigComplete Tepig Novice Course Lesson
PhotoFennekinComplete Fennekin Novice Course Lesson
PhotoTorchicComplete Torchic Novice Course Lesson
PhotoMinccinoComplete Minccino Novice Course Lesson
PhotoMeowthComplete Meowth Novice Course Lesson
PhotoTogepiComplete Togepi Novice Course Lesson
PhotoGengarComplete Gengar Novice Course Lesson
PhotoPichuComplete Pichu Novice Course Lesson
PhotoPachirisuComplete Pachirisu Novice Course Lesson
PhotoInkayComplete Inkay Novice Course Lesson
PhotoCharmanderComplete Charmander Novice Course Lesson
PhotoBulbasaurComplete Bulbasaur Novice Course Lesson
PhotoVictiniComplete Victini Novice Course Lesson
PhotoVoltorbComplete Voltorb Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoPumpkabooComplete Pumpkaboo Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoChimcharComplete Chimchar Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoFletchlingComplete Fletchling Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoEeveeComplete Eevee Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoSnivyComplete Snivy Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoJirachiComplete Jirachi Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoChandelureComplete Chandelure Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoLugiaComplete Lugia Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoLaprasComplete Lapras Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoLucarioComplete Lucario Apprentice Course Lesson
PhotoVulpixComplete Vulpix Graduate Course Lesson
PhotoSylveonComplete Sylveon Graduate Course Lesson
PhotoCharizardComplete Charizard Graduate Course Lesson
PhotoMewtwoComplete Mewtwo Graduate Course Lesson
PhotoPikachuComplete Pikachu Novice Test
PhotoPikachuComplete Pikachu Apprentice Test
PhotoPikachuComplete Pikachu Graduate Test
PhotoMega Charizard XComplete Mega Charizard X Special Course Lesson
PhotoMega Mewtwo YComplete Mega Mewtwo Y Special Course Lesson
PhotoMega LucarioComplete Mega Lucario Special Course Lesson
PhotoDittoComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoDiglettComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoOmanyteComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoGastlyComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoOddishComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoChinglingComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoHoppipComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoWailmerComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoPetililComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoDratiniComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoLitwickComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoSwirlixComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoSpewpaComplete Quick Draw Lesson
PhotoDarumakaComplete Quick Draw Lesson