Miiverse Functionality

Miiverse is one of the latest features that Nintendo introduced to their hardware, and is a social network exclusive to all players of Wii U or Nintendo 3DS. Originating on the Wii U at launch in 2012, Miiverse came to the 3DS in late 2013. Despite 3DS games having access to it and posts being allowed to be made for 3DS games, no Nintendo 3DS game had built in Miiverse functionality. That is until Pok�mon Art Academy.

Pok�mon Art Academy is the first 3DS game to have built in features for Miiverse, and does so by allowing for easy sharing of images that you have created in the game. When you select the option and it connects, you have three choices:
Post to Community: This feature will allow you to post to the community directly
Post to Contest: If a contest is running, you can post your entry here
Go to Miiverse: Loads up the Miiverse community. This can also be done via the Home Screen of the console.

Miiverse Posting

The process of posting to Miiverse is quite simple. If you're not sharing your own completed artwork, you can connect the normal way and post a screenshot of the game, but if posting your artwork, there are a few changes.

When posting to the community, you will get given the standard textbox with a Pok�mon background. Here, you can type in your comment, and attach the emoticon. On the top screen, you will see a 320x240 version of your artwork. When the post is complete, you'll have the option to go view it on Miiverse, or to exit out. When uploaded to Miiverse, the image is 640x480.


Contests are another feature of Miiverse integration. While you post the image to Miiverse , you will also have it flagged as a specific entry for the contest. These contests are run by The Pok�mon Company and are only for a limited time.

Pok�mon Art Academy x Pok�mon Get☆TV

Location: Japan
Duration: June 19th 2014 to July 31st 2014


The first contest is a tie-in between the game and the Japanese variety show, Pok�mon Get☆TV. In it, you have to draw pictures of Pikachu or Diancie, and submit them. The winners of the contest will have their art showcased in the episode that aired on August 17th 2014. In addition to that, winning entries will be printed and displayed at the Ueno Royal Museum Gallery in Tokyo in a special Pok�mon Art Academy exhibit from August 21st 2014 to September 3rd 2014

Ghost type

Location: Japan
Duration: September 12th 2014 to October 19th 2014

Ghost-type Pok�mon

The first contest is a tie-in between the game and the Japanese variety show, Pok�mon Get☆TV. In it, you have to draw pictures of Ghost-type Pok�mon, and submit them. The winners of the contest will have their art showcased in a special site feature that won't be open until early October

Cosplay Pikachu

Location: Japan
Japan: December 13th 2014 to February 1st 2015
International: February 18th 2015 to March 29th 2015

Cosplay Pikachu

The contest will require you to draw the Cosplay Pikachu and is set to run in countries other than Japan, too, and runs by uploading your artwork to a special Miiverse community. There are two elements to this contest, a Cosplay Pikachu one, and a "Favourite Pok�mon" one, where you can draw whatever Pok�mon you wish. The competition is to be judged by illustrators of the TCG and there's a chance that your artwork may become a real card.

Archdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa

Location: Japan
Japan: February 20th 2015 to April 17th 2015


The contest will require you to draw Hoopa in a tie-in with the upcoming movie. With the contest, you need to draw the Pok�mon Hoopa and the winner of the contest will receive a special edition Kyogre or Groudon New Nintendo 3DS. The winner's artwork will also feature in the credits of the movie