Kathy Macdonald | June 18, 2024

Ookla for Good Data Reveals a Persistent Digital Divide in Brazil

In Brazil, the digital divide is not merely a matter of technology access but a stark reflection of the nation’s economic disparities. The internet, serving as a vital portal to education, employment prospects, and critical services, remains inequitably accessible across the country. 

Research across Brazil shows that affluent individuals often benefit from consistently strong connectivity, while those in lower-income brackets frequently grapple with limited or nonexistent internet access. 

A recent World Bank study in Brazil, utilizing mobile and fixed broadband performance data from the Ookla for Good™ program, has illuminated stark differences in internet access across six major Brazilian cities, emphasizing the need for focused policies to address digital and socioeconomic gaps. 

Ookla for Good is an initiative to provide data, analysis, and content to organizations that are seeking to improve people’s lives through internet accessibility.

The research

Researchers in Brazil conducted a study titled “Bridging the Digital Divide: Mapping Internet Connectivity Evolution, Inequalities, and Resilience in six Brazilian Cities.” They used Ookla® Speedtest Intelligence® test results to examine internet speeds in Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Fortaleza, Manaus, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo between 2017 and 2023. Their findings showed:

  • Wealthier neighborhoods consistently enjoyed superior internet speeds, especially on fixed networks.
  • Mobile internet speeds also correlated with wealth, but that trend has been decreasing over time.
  • Around 13% of areas near educational facilities had speeds below the 80 Mbps threshold recommended for effective e-learning, affecting approximately 8% of the school-age population.

“Our analysis underscores the persistent internet access inequalities in Brazil, a country with a very diverse digital landscape,” said Niccolò Comini, one of the lead researchers and Digital Development Specialist within the Infrastructure Vice-Presidency at the World Bank.

The impact of COVID-19

The study also highlighted how the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the digital divide in Brazil. After the declaration of a national emergency, all cities across Brazil saw a significant decrease in internet speed, with poorer areas experiencing bigger dips in speed, demonstrating a clear gap between those who have reliable connectivity and those who do not. 

More is needed for an equitable digital future

To address these disparities, policymakers and the private sector must collaborate on targeted local policies, such as:

  • Improving connectivity in underserved areas
  • Promoting Fiber to the Home (FTTH) technology
  • Making high-speed internet packages and devices more affordable
  • Fostering digital literacy through training and awareness programs

The World Bank is already supporting initiatives like connecting public buildings via fiber optics in the State of Sergipe in Brazil, driving private sector investments to bring internet access to unconnected households. 

Ookla joined the Development Data Partnership in 2020 to collaborate with partner’s like the World Bank in their efforts to reduce poverty, increase shared prosperity, and promote sustainable development by narrowing the digital divide and bringing connectivity to all.

The role of Ookla for Good™

At Ookla, we are proud to support research like this through our Ookla for Good initiative. The mission of Ookla for Good is to bring fast and reliable internet access to every person, regardless of location or socioeconomic status. 

That’s why we make this data available on a complimentary basis to policymakers, humanitarian organizations, academic research institutions, journalists, and consumers. By providing access to our vast dataset on a complimentary basis, we aim to empower researchers, policymakers, and organizations in their efforts to address the digital divide and promote equitable access to the internet across the globe.

We are grateful to Niccolò Comini, Nicolò Gozzi, and Nicola Perra for their dedication to this critical issue and for using Ookla’s data to drive positive change. For the full analysis, be sure to check out their research paper.

To learn more about Ookla for Good and inquire about partnership opportunities, visit the Ookla for Good page on our website.

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