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JaeDL - Starborn Royalty Knights

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About this mod

Customized human NPCs that are faster, level with the player, and have additional body type and height diversity. Tweaked named story boss enemies as well as generic bosses. Each faction individually tweaked, with Spacers as the weakest. Enjoy fighting the First, House Va'Ruun, and the Starborn. Load after other leveled list mods.

Permissions and credits
  • Mandarin
Royal Unique Human and Robot NPCs- Leveled, Improved, Diversified, Scaled
A big criticism of leveled worlds is that everything feels the same to fight.

This mod aims to avert that by ensuring that factions and individual enemies within groups are unique. Enemies have different stats, body types, heights, and most importantly, speeds. Spacers are generally the weakest, with House Va'Ruun being the strongest-- outside Starborn.

I worked hard to make Royal Aliens look and feel distinct, but in the end, most of our time is spent fighting humans. 

To be clear, I never really intended this mod as a major difficulty or "hardcore" mods. I just wanted to create leveled lists that created the experience that would feel most enjoyable and at home for players who had enjoyed past Bethesda games (like myself). That does have the side effect of increasing difficulty a bunch, but mostly because I think Vanilla was way undertuned.

Depending on your level, some enemies should spawn around the same as in vanilla. The scaling grows harsher at higher levels, where you have more tools to deal with the enemies. (a 0.8x multiplayer at level 50 might be a 1.2x multiplier at level 100).

To create a strong sense of variety, this mod uses a ton of hand-crafted diversity for enemies. A recruit might spawn at only 0.7x, whereas a Va'Ruun boss or Starborn might spawn at 1.25x.

A hyped up Story Boss that died in one bullet in Vanilla will now take at least a few. Very often, these changes will be invisible because it will feel "right" compared to vanilla which felt like something was a little off with how quickly certain enemies died.

Headshot damage increased from previous versions to 2.5x from Vanilla 2.0x. This helps reduce "health sponges" and also makes enemies a bit more threatening, since you count as a human and their hits to your head will do more. Load any other headshot mods after this one-- this seemed like a nice baseline change to balance out combat.

With size scaling, I have been meticulously careful over months now to ensure no issues.

Robots will not scale large enough for their heads to pop out of pods.

Robot model S enemies (depending on the location/faction) will sometimes be slightly smaller to improve their pathing/clipping on Terrain, so they can actually reach you.

Every NPC touched has some size variety-- even if it's absolutely tiny, like for turrets-- to help subconsciously make your brain feel like this is a lived-in, diverse world.

This mod now includes diverse appearances for children thanks to the outstanding work and open permissions of Funhammy. Skintones for Children is not required, but will further diversify the appearance.

This mod only tweaks vanilla NPC records. It should be safe to add or remove.

Overall Improvements This Mod Offers:
  • Randomized (within a range) height scaling, different depending on NPC role. This was done by hand to ensure a good experience among the enemies you face the most.
  • Tweaked body types for more variety.
  • Compared to other level scaling mods, there is greater significance in the difference in levels and stats based on faction and enemy type. Fighting Spacers will be easier than other factions. Crimson Fleet will have the most varying skill levels of opponents, and House Va'Ruun will be the strongest regular humans with the largest heights. All will be weaker than the Starborn included in this mod, and significantly weaker than the Starborn from my Royal Starborn mod.
  • Movement speed slightly increased on average, then significantly increased for specific enemies.  This offers a surprisingly large gameplay improvement. Faster enemies feel more realistic, aggressive, and fulfill combat roles like melee or shotgunner far better. 
  • Bosses are more likely to reach you at the same time as their grunts-- it just feels a lot better. With slightly different stats and movement speeds, not every engagement will play out the same. No enemies are slower, but there is a lot of variety in movement speed.
  • Boss Enemies will be more noticeably powerful than their grunts. 
  • As with all the Royal NPC mods, vanilla values were used as a basis. If an enemy was stronger or more muscular by default, I've exaggerated that effect to make it more noticeable in practice. Lower level variants of enemies are closer to vanilla values, whereas the highest leveled lists are more likely to move more quickly or gain bonus stats to give a high-level player more challenge. 
  • Higher level planets and systems will generally pull from these higher leveled lists even early in your playthrough, as in the base game. 
  • All values from PEAK maintained (or in some cases aggression slightly increased).
  • Many Named, Unique enemies tweaked.
  • I have also decided to include a LITE version of my Royal Starborn NPCs as this would have felt weird to play if the Starborn were pushovers, but I would rather not make another mod a requirement. Starborn will generally be the strongest and fastest enemies and have the highest levels, but their small numbers limit them.
  • Royal Starborn will make them even stronger and is by far my preferred overhaul. Load that mod after this one.

Most human enemies included scale between 0.7-1.25x the player level, with a few outliers even higher. Va'Ruun averages 1.3. Starborn go as high as 1.5 with some bosses up to 1.75.

Speedmult of most NPCs increased slightly; some bosses, shotgunners and melee NPCs increased from 100 to est. average of 130.

Most AI has been tweaked for more aggression. For enemies that had values in PEAK, I usually kept those same values or went more aggressive.

This mod should, in general, be easier than other leveled enemies mods for Spacers, common guards, UC and FreeStar, but harder or the same for boss-flagged enemies.

The Starborn, House Va'Ruun, and The First receive the most significant buffs beyond other leveled lists.

The Spacer enemies will be slightly lower level than the base version of leveled enemies (some scale below player level), but the speed bonuses and bosses should still make them more interesting to fight. I did not want every faction to feel the same. 

All enemies I tweaked receive some modest height variation and body type variation. Bosses tend to be a little bigger to match their strength. 

Listed in general order of strength.

I am VERY open to feedback and suggestions. I worked with what the lore and missions gave me.

Starborn: Highest level, increased damage and other resistances. Increased speed, body type variety, and size scaling. For strongest Starborn, Stats based on the Hunter. Lower level than my Royal Starborn mod, and no tweaks to either NPC or player powers. (Large update coming to Royal Starborn in a day or two, feel free to wait). If you want even stronger Starborn, load any version of Royal Starborn after this.

House Va'Ruun: Outside of Starborn, these are the most buffed and tweaked enemies. House Va'Ruun tends to be tall and thin, hinting at their brutal culture and that perhaps they are spending a lot of time living in space (based on the Serpent's Embrace perk). These enemies scale to the highest levels and generally have the highest movement speed. They are weaker than my overhauled Starborn, but tend to be modestly stronger than any other faction. Vanilla Va'Ruun had very high resistances and these are maintained. They will resist energy and particle weapons more than anything apart from Starborn (keeping the exact vanilla values for Va'Ruun stats, whereas the Starborn had to be buffed extensively.)

The First: these are seasoned veterans. This faction gains movement speed, a few gain space suits to ensure compatibility with PoI Faction Diversity. Load second. As they are just humans, they do not level significantly higher than other leveled enemies mods. The First have the strongest robots and turrets, given their history with mechs.

Robots: Robots used in Starborn Facilities will now scale slightly stronger than other robots. Robots will mostly scale in quality (level and speed) based on the faction they are supporting. A Starborn's Model A is stronger than a lowly Spacer's Model A. 

Robots are still quite fragile, just as in the base game, but take reduced damage to the limbs since they don't really need them to survive, slightly reduced body shot damage as they are made of metal. Headshots unchanged; didn't want to make them into bullet sponges. These values are subtle, but I wanted robots to stop being an absolute joke without tweaking their level or HP too high. If you want any other headshot/body damage tweaks, load it after this mod and it will be fully compatible.

Robot movement speed increased at highest levels, and leveling tweaked to match the faction they are supporting. Robots will now scale in quality to match their faction. 

The highest level list version of most robots gains increased movement speed. If you want really tough robots, add something like beefy robits to load after this, but the values I included are about as hard as felt fun for me, alongside level scaling.

Crimson Fleet: the boss enemies are significantly stronger, but I didn't want this faction to feel too much more powerful. There are some relatively skillful, fully armored grunts, but the weakest enemies and recruits are only a little stronger than spacers.  Body types and movement speed tweaked. Melee enemies buffed the most, with speed increased to 130 so they are harder to kite. This faction has the most variability-- some grunts will be little more than spacers, with some bosses rivaling House Va'Ruun. Enemy body types tend to vary significantly, with more muscular enemies at the highest ranks.

Ecliptic: While their grunts are consistently powerful, Ecliptic's bosses and officers are not quite as strong as the best the Crimson Fleet can offer.

Syndicate: Mostly tweaked to give a good experience when used alongside POI Faction Diversity, these enemies are slightly stronger. Note that I do not actually run POI faction diversity myself, as I always play a good guy, so UC/FreeStar bases would just be a waste of space for me. I did not manually tweak too many UC or FreeStar enemies, but any leveled any mod used as a basecoat should get to them.

(I am not 100% sure if this covers every NPC added by POI faction diversity, as I think POI faction diversity adds its own new NPCs. I can patch if it doesn't; very often, NPCs pull stats from templates and don't actually need to be tweaked to add leveling as long as the templates were tweaked.)

If someone who plays it can confirm it's needed, I can make a patch to cover all enemies in POI faction diversity rapidly and easily.

Spacers: The weakest faction, these gain some tweaks to their bosses, but some grunts scale as low as 0.9 player level. I want a diverse world-- and a fully leveled Starborn should not necessarily struggle to get through a rag-tag spacer base. In general, they tend to be scrawnier than other factions. They're barely getting by.

Spacer boss enemies can still be quite challenging and fast-moving, but not as much as other factions. 

Since the overall "human" template is used by tons of miscellaneous enemies, some human bosses, melee, shotgun, and heavy weapon users will be slightly buffed even if they are not specifically mentioned here.

Named Boss NPCs: Some of these named boss NPCs were just so weak, they made me feel guilty to kill. If you're the boss of a quest line (and I found you in xEdit), you will take a few headshots to kill now at a minimum. There are still many that I'm missing, but every bit helps. I will probably do numerous small optional updates as I add more Named enemies.

If you come across a Named Unique enemy (or really any enemy)that feels like they are too weak, leave me a comment and I'll get to them. If you are able to get the FormID, using detailed referencei info,  it will make it very fast and easy for me to tweak any enemy that doesn't feel just right in your playthrough.

Out-of-the-way Quest Spoiler:

Cloned enemies received some modest enhancements. Some Easter Egg enemies you may only encounter once have been buffed to match the lore surrounding them. 

UC/FreeStar: Barely touched. I just added some scaling to a few overly common NPCs. I might revisit these enemies later and for now, other leveling mods will handle them. Some will benefit from the overall human templates changed above.

What's Missing: Some named NPCs. I have not yet figured out how to get Hunter/Emissary to level above 100. If anyone can take a look in xEdit and tell me what to change or what value I missed-- much appreciated. 


Load other mods that affect headshot damage after this one.

Load Royal Unique Human NPCS after anything that touches NPC leveled lists (everything below) except my Royal Starborn mod, which is harder.

Whichever mod you load lists wins all NPC record conflicts. Load this mod after all of the following:

Now Compatible with More Weapons/More Armor Thanks to HaiTan95!
Load their patch after this mod. Compatible with latest version and all optional files, just load after.

This mod is a nice difficulty increase as it puts better weapons on enemies and they benefit from the perks; but I just can't get it to stop showering me with infinite loot.
I prefer to answer questions via posts right here on the file rather than DMs or Discord so that others can read answers, explanations, etc. right here on the mod. However, I'm happy to help wherever you prefer. I can be found on the Starfield Modding discord to chat or brainstorm.

Created because I think a leveled world that is diverse and fun is essential to this game's long-term replayability and end-game.

I am a writer and teacher, staying up way past my bedtime to work on Starfield. Any support appreciated.
I love screenshots, nice comments, and endorsements. =)

Created because I want every detail flawless to go with my main list-making hobby:
💫Starborn Royalty A Starfield Modlist

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