• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jan 12, 2024

Universal acclaim - based on 11 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 11
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 11
  3. Negative: 0 out of 11
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  1. 100
    He might not be the steeliest careerist, but the lad from the Wirral has clearly thrown everything at this masterful record.
  2. Jan 4, 2024
    Iechyd Da is his masterpiece, start to finish.
  3. 90
    It’s futile to pick highlights from an album that is so uniformly inspired that even the one far-out diversion from the heartfelt script (“…And The Sea…”, a woozy instrumental featuring Michael Head reciting from James Joyce’s Ulysses) works perfectly.
  4. Jan 12, 2024
    Just like a balloon the music soars to ever greater heights, until finally the listener stands transfixed, observing until they can see no more.
  5. Jan 9, 2024
    ‘Iechyd Da’ is a forward-moving record rooted in love and loss, marking a significant chapter in the musician and producer’s career.
  6. Jan 4, 2024
    Iechyd Da feels a culmination of all he set out to do. It’s a record that beckons you over and invites you in, that rewards your faith and careful listening with moments of extraordinary beauty, unflinching honesty, a sonic exchange of love. [Review Of The Year 2023, p.16]
  7. Jan 12, 2024
    Ryder-Jones still favors tranquil ballads and laid-back pop songs more than anything else, but the intimate, detailed arrangements and overall sonic scope of Iechyd Da are transformative.
  8. Jan 10, 2024
    It’s a truly cathartic listening experience, driven by the belief that our darkest moments can only be alleviated if we sing about them beautifully enough.
  9. Jan 8, 2024
    There is a timeless and timely feel to these tunes and it sounds as if something stately is stirring in West Kirby. Good health, indeed.
  10. Jan 4, 2024
    Iechyd Da documents a period of intense anguish with careful understatement and smart musical references. [Feb 2024, p.87]
  11. Jan 4, 2024
    Musically, the album isn’t dark at all. It’s overwhelmingly lovely, with classy hooks and rousing choruses.