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C, XOXO Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 11 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The fourth full-length solo studio release from Camila Cabello features guest appearances by BLP Kosher, Drake, JT, Lil Nas X, Playboi Carti, and Yung Miami.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Jul 3, 2024
    If C,XOXO’s creative team (El Guincho, Jasper Harris et al) intended to trigger a resurgence of popularity for the former Fifth Harmony member then they have singularly failed, but they’ve certainly helped Cabello stand out in the crowd of female popstars releasing albums this year.
  2. Jul 1, 2024
    It’s sonically daring, and challenges itself to be both unique from the scene and true to its creator.
  3. Jul 3, 2024
    At its best, C,XOXO is a vibes album, musical perfume -- a spritz of Cabello's "meteor shower" pop moment.
  4. Jun 28, 2024
    Cabello has the juice to be her own artist and is more than capable as a writer, but the risks she takes are inherently safe when they’ve all been taken before.
  5. Jul 2, 2024
    C,XOXO isn't a bad album, particularly when stacked against the imagined disaster it could've been. The problem is that it sounds like it's been purchased from other talents rather than being curated and homegrown by Cabello and her team. You gotta hand it to her for trying though, even more so for the fact that it nearly, just nearly, works.
  6. 60
    ‘C,XOXO’ is a laconic, off-kilter pop record filled with heavily Auto-Tuned vocals inspired by T-Pain. It’s a new sound for Cabello that heightens the music’s intriguing, trippy sheen. Throughout, her lyrics pivot between pithy and revealing.
  7. Jun 28, 2024
    Tracks like this and “pretty when i cry” are the type of bland and inoffensive pop music that remind me of the store playlists from my high school retail job—it’s wallpaper music I’ve conditioned myself to tune out (the stock vocal ad-libs on “pretty when i cry” feel particularly reminiscent of department store background noise).

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